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Oracle® XML DB Developer's Guide
Release 2 (11.2)
Part Number E10492-02
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1-1 APIs Related to XML
1-2 Catalog Views Related to XML
1-3 XMLType Storage Models: Relative Advantages
3-1 SQL*Loader - Conventional and Direct-Path Load Modes
4-1 Common XPath Constructs
5-1 Predefined Namespaces and Prefixes
6-1 Basic XML Indexing Tasks
6-2 Tasks Involving XMLIndex Indexes with a Structured Component
6-3 Tasks Involving XMLIndex Indexes with an Unstructured Component
6-4 Miscellaneous Tasks Involving XMLIndex Indexes
6-5 XML and SQL Data Type Correspondence for XMLIndex
6-6 XMLIndex Path Table
6-7 Index Synchronization
6-8 XMLIndex Static Public Views
7-1 XMLType Methods Related to XML Schema
7-2 CREATE TABLE Encoding Options for Binary XML
7-3 Annotations in Elements
7-4 Annotations in Elements Declaring Global complexType Elements
7-5 Annotations in XML Schema Declarations
7-6 Mapping XML Schema String Data Types to SQL
7-7 Mapping XML Schema Binary Data Types (hexBinary/base64Binary) to SQL
7-8 Default Mapping of Numeric XML Schema Primitive Types to SQL
7-9 Mapping XML Schema Date and Time Data Types to SQL
7-10 Default Mapping of Other XML Schema Primitive and Derived Data Types to SQL
7-11 Binary XML Encoding Types
7-12 Mapping XML Schema Data Types to Binary XML Encoding Types
8-1 Sample of XPath Expressions that Are Rewritten to Underlying SQL Constructs
10-1 Parameters of Procedure DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.COPYEVOLVE
10-2 Errors Associated with Procedure DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.COPYEVOLVE
10-3 XML Schema Evolution: XMLType Table Temporary Table Columns
10-4 XML Schema Evolution: XMLType Column Temporary Table Columns
10-5 Procedure copyEvolve Mapping Table
10-6 Parameters of Procedure DBMS_XMLSCHEMA.INPLACEEVOLVE
13-1 XML and HTML DOM Node Types and Their Child Node Types
15-1 Java DOM API for XMLType: Classes
16-1 OCIXmlDbInitXMlCtx() Parameters
16-2 Common XMLType Operations in C
18-1 DBMS_XMLGEN Functions and Procedures
18-2 Attributes of the XMLFormat Object
20-1 URIType PL/SQL Methods
20-3 DBUriServlet: Optional Arguments
21-1 Synonyms for Oracle XML DB Repository Terms
21-2 Differences Between PATH_VIEW and RESOURCE_VIEW
21-3 Accessing Oracle XML DB Repository: API Options
24-1 Oracle XML DB Versioning Terms
24-2 PL/SQL Functions and Procedures in Package DBMS_XDB_VERSION
25-1 Structure of RESOURCE_VIEW
25-2 Structure of PATH_VIEW
25-3 UNDER_PATH SQL Function Signature
26-1 DBMS_XDB Resource Management Functions and Procedures
26-2 DBMS_XDB: Security Management Procedures and Functions
26-3 DBMS_XDB: Configuration Management Functions and Procedures
27-1 Database Privileges Needed for Operations on Oracle XML DB Resources
27-2 Atomic Privileges in Security Class DAV::dav
27-3 Aggregate Privileges Defined by Security Class DAV::dav
27-4 Atomic Privileges Defined by Security Class PrincipalSecurityClass
27-5 Aggregate Privileges Defined by Security Class PrincipalSecurityClass
28-1 Common Protocol Configuration Parameters
28-2 Configuration Parameters Specific to FTP
28-3 Configuration Parameters Specific to HTTP(S)/WebDAV (Except Servlet Parameters)
30-1 Predefined Repository Events
30-2 Oracle XML DB Repository Operations and Events
31-1 Oracle XML DB Resource to JCR Mappings
31-2 XML Schema Built-In Types Mapped to JCR Property Value Types
32-1 XML Elements Defined for Servlet Deployment Descriptors
32-2 Java Servlet 2.2 Methods that Are Not Implemented
33-1 Web Service Mapping Between XML and SQL Data Types
36-1 Format of the XMLType columns in the table with the corresponding format of the dump file
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