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Oracle® Database XML C API Reference
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10770-01
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C package methods
XML_ACCESS_CLOSE_F in package Callback, 2
XML_ACCESS_OPEN_F in package Callback, 2
XML_ACCESS_READ_F in package Callback, 2
XML_ALLOC_F in package Callback, 2
XML_ERRMSG_F in package Callback, 2
XML_FREE_F in package Callback, 2
XML_STREAM_CLOSE_F in package Callback, 2
XML_STREAM_OPEN_F in package Callback, 2
XML_STREAM_READ_F in package Callback, 2
XML_STREAM_WRITE_F in package Callback, 2
XmlAccess in package XML, 11
XmlCreate in package XML, 11
XmlCreateDocument in package XML, 11
XmlCreateDTD in package XML, 11
XmlDestroy in package XML, 11
XmlDiff in package XML, 11
XmlDiff in package XmlDiff, 12
XMLDOM_ACCEPT_NODE_F in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomAppendChild in package DOM, 3
XmlDomAppendData in package DOM, 3
XmlDomCleanNode in package DOM, 3
XmlDomCloneNode in package DOM, 3
XmlDomCreateAttr in package DOM, 3
XmlDomCreateAttrNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomCreateCDATA in package DOM, 3
XmlDomCreateComment in package DOM, 3
XmlDomCreateElem in package DOM, 3
XmlDomCreateElemNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomCreateEntityRef in package DOM, 3
XmlDomCreateFragment in package DOM, 3
XmlDomCreateNodeIter in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomCreatePI in package DOM, 3
XmlDomCreateRange in package Range, 6
XmlDomCreateText in package DOM, 3
XmlDomCreateTreeWalker in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomDeleteData in package DOM, 3
XmlDomFreeNode in package DOM, 3
XmlDomFreeNodeList in package DOM, 3
XmlDomFreeString in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttr in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrLocal in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrLocalLen in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrName in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrNameLen in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrNode in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrNodeNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrPrefix in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrs in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrSpecified in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrURI in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrURILen in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrValue in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrValueLen in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetAttrValueStream in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetBaseURI in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetCharData in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetCharDataLength in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetChildNodes in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetChildrenByTag in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetChildrenByTagNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetDecl in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetDefaultNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetDocElem in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetDocElemByID in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetDocElemsByTag in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetDocElemsByTagNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetDTD in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetDTDEntities in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetDTDInternalSubset in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetDTDName in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetDTDNotations in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetDTDPubID in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetDTDSysID in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetElemsByTag in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetElemsByTagNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetEntityNotation in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetEntityPubID in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetEntitySysID in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetEntityType in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetFirstChild in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetFirstPfnsPair in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetLastChild in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetLastError in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNamedItem in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNamedItemNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNextPfnsPair in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNextSibling in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodeListItem in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodeListLength in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodeLocal in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodeLocalLen in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodeMapItem in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodeMapLength in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodeName in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodeNameLen in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodePrefix in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodeType in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodeURI in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodeURILen in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodeValue in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodeValueLen in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNodeValueStream in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNotationPubID in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetNotationSysID in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetOwnerDocument in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetOwnerElem in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetParentNode in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetPIData in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetPITarget in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetPrevSibling in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetPullNodeAsBinaryStream in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetPullNodeAsCharacterStream in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetPushNodeAsBinaryStream in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetPushNodeAsCharacterStream in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetSchema in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetSourceEntity in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetSourceLine in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetSourceLocation in package DOM, 3
XmlDomGetTag in package DOM, 3
XmlDomHasAttr in package DOM, 3
XmlDomHasAttrNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomHasAttrs in package DOM, 3
XmlDomHasChildNodes in package DOM, 3
XmlDomImportNode in package DOM, 3
XmlDomInsertBefore in package DOM, 3
XmlDomInsertData in package DOM, 3
XmlDomIsSchemaBased in package DOM, 3
XmlDomIterDetach in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomIterNextNode in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomIterPrevNode in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomNormalize in package DOM, 3
XmlDomNumAttrs in package DOM, 3
XmlDomNumChildNodes in package DOM, 3
XmlDomPrefixToURI in package DOM, 3
XmlDomRangeClone in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeCloneContents in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeCollapse in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeCompareBoundaryPoints in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeDeleteContents in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeDetach in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeExtractContents in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeGetCollapsed in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeGetCommonAncestor in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeGetDetached in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeGetEndContainer in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeGetEndOffset in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeGetStartContainer in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeGetStartOffset in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeIsConsistent in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeSelectNode in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeSelectNodeContents in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeSetEnd in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeSetEndBefore in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeSetStart in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeSetStartAfter in package Range, 6
XmlDomRangeSetStartBefore in package Range, 6
XmlDomRemoveAttr in package DOM, 3
XmlDomRemoveAttrNode in package DOM, 3
XmlDomRemoveAttrNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomRemoveChild in package DOM, 3
XmlDomRemoveNamedItem in package DOM, 3
XmlDomRemoveNamedItemNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomReplaceChild in package DOM, 3
XmlDomReplaceData in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSaveString in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSaveString2 in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetAttr in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetAttrNode in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetAttrNodeNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetAttrNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetAttrValue in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetAttrValueStream in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetBaseURI in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetCharData in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetDefaultNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetDocOrder in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetDTD in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetLastError in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetNamedItem in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetNamedItemNS in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetNodePrefix in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetNodeValue in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetNodeValueLen in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetNodeValueStream in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetPIData in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetPullNodeAsBinaryStream in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetPullNodeAsCharacterStream in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetPushNodeAsBinaryStream in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSetPushNodeAsCharacterStream in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSplitText in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSubstringData in package DOM, 3
XmlDomSync in package DOM, 3
XmlDomValidate in package DOM, 3
XmlDomWalkerFirstChild in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomWalkerGetCurrentNode in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomWalkerGetRoot in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomWalkerLastChild in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomWalkerNextNode in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomWalkerNextSibling in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomWalkerParentNode in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomWalkerPrevNode in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomWalkerPrevSibling in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomWalkerSetCurrentNode in package Traversal, 10
XmlDomWalkerSetRoot in package Traversal, 10
XmlEvCleanPPCtx in package Event, 4
XmlEvCreatePPCtx in package Event, 4
XmlEvCreateSVCtx in package Event, 4
XmlEvDestroyPPCtx in package Event, 4
XmlEvDestroySVCtx in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrCount in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclBody in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclBody0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclCount in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclElName in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclElName0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclLocalName in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclLocalName0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclName in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclName0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclPrefix in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclPrefix0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrID in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrLocalName in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrLocalName0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrName in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrName0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrPrefix in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrPrefix0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrURI in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrURI0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrUriID in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrValue in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetAttrValue0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetElDeclContent in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetElDeclContent0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetEncoding in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetError in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetLocalName in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetLocalName0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetLocation in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetName in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetName0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetPEisGen in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetPERepl in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetPERepl0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetPIData in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetPIData0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetPITarget in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetPITarget0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetPrefix in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetPrefix0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetPubId in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetPubId0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetSysId in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetSysId0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetTagID in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetTagUriID in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetText in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetText0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetUENdata in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetUENdata0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetURI in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetURI0 in package Event, 4
XmlEvGetVersion in package Event, 4
XmlEvIsEncodingSpecified in package Event, 4
XmlEvIsStandalone in package Event, 4
XmlEvLoadPPDoc in package Event, 4
XmlEvNamespaceAttr in package Event, 4
XmlEvNext in package Event, 4
XmlEvNextTag in package Event, 4
XmlEvSchemaValidate in package Event, 4
XmlFreeDocument in package XML, 11
XmlGetEncoding in package XML, 11
XmlHasFeature in package XML, 11
XmlHash in package XmlDiff, 12
XmlIsSimple in package XML, 11
XmlIsUnicode in package XML, 11
XmlLoadDom in package XML, 11
XmlLoadSax in package XML, 11
XmlLoadSaxVA in package XML, 11
XmlPatch in package XmlDiff, 12
XmlSaveDom in package XML, 11
XmlSaxAttributeDecl in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxCDATA in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxCharacters in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxComment in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxElementDecl in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxEndDocument in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxEndElement in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxNotationDecl in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxParsedEntityDecl in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxPI in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxStartDocument in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxStartElement in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxStartElementNS in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxUnparsedEntityDecl in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxWhitespace in package SAX, 7
XmlSaxXmlDecl in package SAX, 7
XmlSchemaClean in package Schema, 8
XmlSchemaCreate in package Schema, 8
XmlSchemaDestroy in package Schema, 8
XmlSchemaErrorWhere in package Schema, 8
XmlSchemaLoad in package Schema, 8
XmlSchemaLoadedList in package Schema, 8
XmlSchemaSetErrorHandler in package Schema, 8
XmlSchemaSetValidateOptions in package Schema, 8
XmlSchemaTargetNamespace in package Schema, 8
XmlSchemaUnload in package Schema, 8
XmlSchemaValidate in package Schema, 8
XmlSchemaVersion in package Schema, 8
XmlSoapAddBodyElement in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapAddFaultReason in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapAddFaultSubDetail in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapAddHeaderElement in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapCall in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapCreateConnection in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapCreateCtx in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapCreateMsg in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapDestroyConnection in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapDestroyCtx in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapDestroyMsg in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapError in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapGetBody in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapGetBodyElement in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapGetEnvelope in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapGetFault in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapGetHeader in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapGetHeaderElement in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapGetMustUnderstand in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapGetReasonLang in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapGetReasonNum in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapGetRelay in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapGetRole in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapHasFault in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapSetFault in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapSetMustUnderstand in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapSetRelay in package SOAP, 9
XmlSoapSetRole in package SOAP, 9
XmlVersion in package XML, 11
XmlXPathCreateCtx in package XPath, 13
XmlXPathDestroyCtx in package XPath, 13
XmlXPathEval in package XPath, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectBoolean in package XPath, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectFragment in package XPath, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectNSetNode in package XPath, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectNSetNum in package XPath, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectNumber in package XPath, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectString in package XPath, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectType in package XPath, 13
XmlXPathParse in package XPath, 13
XmlXPointerEval in package XPointer, 14
XmlXPtrLocGetNode in package XPointer, 14
XmlXPtrLocGetPoint in package XPointer, 14
XmlXPtrLocGetRange in package XPointer, 14
XmlXPtrLocGetType in package XPointer, 14
XmlXPtrLocSetFree in package XPointer, 14
XmlXPtrLocSetGetItem in package XPointer, 14
XmlXPtrLocSetGetLength in package XPointer, 14
XmlXPtrLocToString in package XPointer, 14
XmlXslCreate in package XSLT, 15
XmlXslDestroy in package XSLT, 15
XmlXslGetBaseURI in package XSLT, 15
XmlXslGetOutput in package XSLT, 15
XmlXslGetStylesheetDom in package XSLT, 15
XmlXslGetTextParam in package XSLT, 15
XmlXslProcess in package XSLT, 15
XmlXslResetAllParams in package XSLT, 15
XmlXslSetOutputDom in package XSLT, 15
XmlXslSetOutputEncoding in package XSLT, 15
XmlXslSetOutputMethod in package XSLT, 15
XmlXslSetOutputSax in package XSLT, 15
XmlXslSetOutputStream in package XSLT, 15
XmlXslSetTextParam in package XSLT, 15
XMLXVM_DEBUG_F in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmCompileBuffer in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmCompileDom in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmCompileFile in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmCompileURI in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmCompileXPath in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmCreate in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmCreateComp in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmDestroy in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmDestroyComp in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmEvaluateXPath in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmGetBytecodeLength in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectBoolean in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectNSetNode in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectNSetNum in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectNumber in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectString in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectType in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmGetOutputDom in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmResetParams in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmSetBaseURI in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmSetBytecodeBuffer in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmSetBytecodeFile in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmSetBytecodeURI in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmSetDebugFunc in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmSetOutputDom in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmSetOutputEncoding in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmSetOutputSax in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmSetOutputStream in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmSetTextParam in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmTransformBuffer in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmTransformDom in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmTransformFile in package XSLTVM, 16
XmlXvmTransformURI in package XSLTVM, 16
C packages
Callback, 2
DOM, 3
Event, 4
Range, 6
SAX, 7
Schema, 8
Traversal, 10
XML, 11
XmlDiff, 12
XPath, 13
XPointer, 14
XSLT, 15
Callback package for C, 2


DOM package for C, 3


Event package for C, 4


XML_ACCESS_CLOSE_F in package Callback for C, 2
XML_ACCESS_OPEN_F in package Callback for C, 2
XML_ACCESS_READ_F in package Callback for C, 2
XML_ALLOC_F in package Callback for C, 2
XML_ERRMSG_F in package Callback for C, 2
XML_FREE_F in package Callback for C, 2
XML_STREAM_CLOSE_F in package Callback for C, 2
XML_STREAM_OPEN_F in package Callback for C, 2
XML_STREAM_READ_F in package Callback for C, 2
XML_STREAM_WRITE_F in package Callback for C, 2
XmlAccess in package XML for C, 11
XmlCreate in package XML for C, 11
XmlCreateDocument in package XML for C, 11
XmlCreateDTD in package XML for C, 11
XmlDestroy in package XML for C, 11
XmlDiff in package XML for C, 11
XmlDiff in package XmlDiff for C, 12
XMLDOM_ACCEPT_NODE_F in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomAppendChild in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomAppendData in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomCleanNode in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomCloneNode in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomCreateAttr in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomCreateAttrNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomCreateCDATA in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomCreateComment in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomCreateElem in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomCreateElemNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomCreateEntityRef in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomCreateFragment in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomCreateNodeIter in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomCreatePI in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomCreateRange in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomCreateText in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomCreateTreeWalker in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomDeleteData in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomFreeNode in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomFreeNodeList in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomFreeString in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttr in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrLocal in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrLocalLen in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrName in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrNameLen in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrNode in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrNodeNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrPrefix in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrs in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrSpecified in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrURI in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrURILen in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrValue in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrValueLen in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrValueStream in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetBaseURI in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetCharData in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetCharDataLength in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetChildNodes in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetChildrenByTag in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetChildrenByTagNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetDecl in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetDefaultNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetDocElem in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetDocElemByID in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetDocElemsByTag in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetDocElemsByTagNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetDTD in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetDTDEntities in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetDTDInternalSubset in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetDTDName in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetDTDNotations in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetDTDPubID in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetDTDSysID in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetElemsByTag in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetElemsByTagNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetEntityNotation in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetEntityPubID in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetEntitySysID in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetEntityType in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetFirstChild in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetFirstPfnsPair in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetLastChild in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetLastError in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNamedItem in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNamedItemNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNextPfnsPair in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNextSibling in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeListItem in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeListLength in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeLocal in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeLocalLen in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeMapItem in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeMapLength in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeName in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeNameLen in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodePrefix in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeType in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeURI in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeURILen in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeValue in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeValueLen in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeValueStream in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNotationPubID in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetNotationSysID in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetOwnerDocument in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetOwnerElem in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetParentNode in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetPIData in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetPITarget in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetPrevSibling in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetPullNodeAsBinaryStream in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetPullNodeAsCharacterStream in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetPushNodeAsBinaryStream in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetPushNodeAsCharacterStream in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetSchema in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetSourceEntity in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetSourceLine in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetSourceLocation in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomGetTag in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomHasAttr in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomHasAttrNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomHasAttrs in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomHasChildNodes in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomImportNode in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomInsertBefore in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomInsertData in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomIsSchemaBased in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomIterDetach in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomIterNextNode in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomIterPrevNode in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomNormalize in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomNumAttrs in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomNumChildNodes in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomPrefixToURI in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomRangeClone in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeCloneContents in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeCollapse in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeCompareBoundaryPoints in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeDeleteContents in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeDetach in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeExtractContents in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeGetCollapsed in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeGetCommonAncestor in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeGetDetached in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeGetEndContainer in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeGetEndOffset in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeGetStartContainer in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeGetStartOffset in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeIsConsistent in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeSelectNode in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeSelectNodeContents in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeSetEnd in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeSetEndBefore in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeSetStart in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeSetStartAfter in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRangeSetStartBefore in package Range for C, 6
XmlDomRemoveAttr in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomRemoveAttrNode in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomRemoveAttrNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomRemoveChild in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomRemoveNamedItem in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomRemoveNamedItemNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomReplaceChild in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomReplaceData in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSaveString in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSaveString2 in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetAttr in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetAttrNode in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetAttrNodeNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetAttrNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetAttrValue in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetAttrValueStream in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetBaseURI in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetCharData in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetDefaultNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetDocOrder in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetDTD in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetLastError in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetNamedItem in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetNamedItemNS in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetNodePrefix in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetNodeValue in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetNodeValueLen in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetNodeValueStream in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetPIData in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetPullNodeAsBinaryStream in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetPullNodeAsCharacterStream in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetPushNodeAsBinaryStream in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSetPushNodeAsCharacterStream in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSplitText in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSubstringData in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomSync in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomValidate in package DOM for C, 3
XmlDomWalkerFirstChild in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerGetCurrentNode in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerGetRoot in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerLastChild in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerNextNode in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerNextSibling in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerParentNode in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerPrevNode in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerPrevSibling in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerSetCurrentNode in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerSetRoot in package Traversal for C, 10
XmlEvCleanPPCtx package Event for C, 4
XmlEvCreatePPCtx package Event for C, 4
XmlEvCreateSVCtx package Event for C, 4
XmlEvDestroyPPCtx package Event for C, 4
XmlEvDestroySVCtx package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrCount in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclBody in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclBody0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclCount in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclElName in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclElName0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclLocalName in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclLocalName0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclName in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclName0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclPrefix in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclPrefix0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrID in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrLocalName in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrLocalName0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrName in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrName0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrPrefix in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrPrefix0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrURI in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrURI0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrUriID in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrValue in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrValue0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetElDeclContent in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetElDeclContent0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetEncoding in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetError in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetLocalName in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetLocalName0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetLocation in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetName in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetName0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetPERepl in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetPERepl0 in package Event for C, 4, 4
XmlEvGetPIData in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetPIData0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetPITarget in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetPITarget0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetPrefix in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetPrefix0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetPubId in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetPubId0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetSysId in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetSysId0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetTagID in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetTagUriID in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetText in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetText0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetUENdata in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetUENdata0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetURI in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetURI0 in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvGetVersion in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvIsEncodingSpecified in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvIsStandalone in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvLoadPPDoc in package Event for C, 4, 4
XmlEvNamespaceAttr in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvNext in package Event for C, 4
XmlEvSchemaValidate in package Event for C, 4
XmlFreeDocument in package XML for C, 11
XmlGetEncoding in package XML for C, 11
XmlHasFeature in package XML for C, 11
XmlHash in package XmlDiff for C, 12
XmlIsSimple in package XML for C, 11
XmlIsUnicode in package XML for C, 11
XmlLoadDom in package XML for C, 11
XmlLoadSax in package XML for C, 11
XmlLoadSaxVA in package XML for C, 11
XmlPatch in package XmlDiff for C, 12
XmlSaveDom in package XML for C, 11
XmlSaxAttributeDecl in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxCDATA in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxCharacters in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxComment in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxElementDecl in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxEndDocument in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxEndElement in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxNotationDecl in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxParsedEntityDecl in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxPI in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxStartDocument in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxStartElement in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxStartElementNS in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxUnparsedEntityDecl in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxWhitespace in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSaxXmlDecl in package SAX for C, 7
XmlSchemaClean in package Schema for C, 8
XmlSchemaCreate in package Schema for C, 8
XmlSchemaDestroy in package Schema for C, 8
XmlSchemaErrorWhere in package Schema for C, 8
XmlSchemaLoad in package Schema for C, 8
XmlSchemaLoadedList in package Schema for C, 8
XmlSchemaSetErrorHandler in package Schema for C, 8
XmlSchemaSetValidateOptions in package Schema for C, 8
XmlSchemaTargetNamespace in package Schema for C, 8
XmlSchemaUnload in package Schema for C, 8
XmlSchemaValidate in package Schema for C, 8
XmlSchemaVersion in package Schema for C, 8
XmlSoapAddBodyElement in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapAddFaultReason in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapAddFaultSubDetail in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapAddHeaderElement in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapCall in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapCreateConnection in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapCreateCtx in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapCreateMsg in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapDestroyConnection in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapDestroyCtx in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapDestroyMsg in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapError in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapGetBody in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapGetBodyElement in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapGetEnvelope in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapGetFault in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapGetHeader in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapGetHeaderElement in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapGetMustUnderstand in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapGetReasonLang in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapGetReasonNum in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapGetRelay in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapGetRole in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapHasFault in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapSetFault in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapSetMustUnderstand in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapSetRelay in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlSoapSetRole in package SOAP for C, 9
XmlVersion in package XML for C, 11
XmlXPathCreateCtx in package XPath for C, 13
XmlXPathDestroyCtx in package XPath for C, 13
XmlXPathEval in package XPath for C, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectBoolean in package XPath for C, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectFragment in package XPath for C, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectNSetNode in package XPath for C, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectNSetNum in package XPath for C, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectNumber in package XPath for C, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectString in package XPath for C, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectType in package XPath for C, 13
XmlXPathParse in package XPath for C, 13
XmlXPointerEval in package XPointer for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocGetNode in package XPointer for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocGetPoint in package XPointer for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocGetRange in package XPointer for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocGetType in package XPointer for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocSetFree in package XPointer for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocSetGetItem in package XPointer for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocSetGetLength in package XPointer for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocToString in package XPointer for C, 14
XmlXslCreate in package XSLT for C, 15
XmlXslDestroy in package XSLT for C, 15
XmlXslGetBaseURI in package XSLT for C, 15
XmlXslGetOutput in package XSLT for C, 15
XmlXslGetStylesheetDom in package XSLT for C, 15
XmlXslGetTextParam in package XSLT for C, 15
XmlXslProcess in package XSLT for C, 15
XmlXslResetAllParams in package XSLT for C, 15
XmlXslSetOutputDom in package XSLT for C, 15
XmlXslSetOutputEncoding in package XSLT for C, 15
XmlXslSetOutputMethod in package XSLT for C, 15
XmlXslSetOutputSax in package XSLT for C, 15
XmlXslSetOutputStream in package XSLT for C, 15
XmlXslSetTextParam in package XSLT for C, 15
XMLXVM_DEBUG_F in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmCompileBuffer in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmCompileDom in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmCompileFile in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmCompileURI in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmCompileXPath in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmCreate in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmCreateComp in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmDestroy in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmDestroyComp in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmEvaluateXPath in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmGetBytecodeLength in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectBoolean in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectNSetNode in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectNSetNum in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectNumber in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectString in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectType in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmGetOutputDom in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmResetParams in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmSetBaseURI in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmSetBytecodeBuffer in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmSetBytecodeFile in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmSetBytecodeURI in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmSetDebugFunc in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmSetOutputDom in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmSetOutputEncoding in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmSetOutputSax in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmSetOutputStream in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmSetTextParam in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmTransformBuffer in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmTransformDom in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmTransformFile in package XSLTVM for C, 16
XmlXvmTransformURI in package XSLTVM for C, 16


Callback for C, 2
DOM for C, 3
Event for C, 4
Range for C, 6
SAX for C, 7
Schema for C, 8
SOAP for C, 9
Traversal for C, 10
XML for C, 11
XmlDiff for C, 12
XPath for C, 13
XPointer for C, 14
XSLT for C, 15
XSLTVM for C, 16


Range package for C, 6


SAX package for C, 7
Schema package for C, 8
SOAP package for C, 9


Traversal package for C, 10


XML package for C, 11
XML_ACCESS_CLOSE_F in package Callback package for C, 2
XML_ACCESS_OPEN_F in package Callback package for C, 2
XML_ACCESS_READ_F in package Callback package for C, 2
XML_ALLOC_F in package Callback package for C, 2
XML_ERRMSG_F in package Callback package for C, 2
XML_FREE_F in package Callback package for C, 2
XML_STREAM_CLOSE_F in package Callback package for C, 2
XML_STREAM_OPEN_F in package Callback package for C, 2
XML_STREAM_READ_F in package Callback package for C, 2
XML_STREAM_WRITE_F in package Callback package for C, 2
XmlAccess in package XML package for C, 11
XmlCreate in package XML package for C, 11
XmlCreateDocument in package XML package for C, 11
XmlCreateDTD in package XML package for C, 11
XmlDestroy in package XML package for C, 11
XmlDiff in package XML package for C, 11
XmlDiff in package XmlDiff package for C, 12
XmlDiff package for C, 12
XMLDOM_ACCEPT_NODE_F in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomAppendChild in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomAppendData in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomCleanNode in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomCloneNode in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomCreateAttr in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomCreateAttrNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomCreateCDATA in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomCreateComment in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomCreateElem in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomCreateElemNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomCreateEntityRef in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomCreateFragment in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomCreateNodeIter in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomCreatePI in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomCreateRange in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomCreateText in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomCreateTreeWalker in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomDeleteData in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomFreeNode in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomFreeNodeList in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomFreeString in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttr in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrLocal in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrLocalLen in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrName in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrNameLen in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrNode in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrNodeNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrPrefix in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrs in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrSpecified in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrURI in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrURILen in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrValue in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrValueLen in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetAttrValueStream in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetBaseURI in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetCharData in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetCharDataLength in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetChildNodes in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetChildrenByTag in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetChildrenByTagNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetDecl in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetDefaultNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetDocElem in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetDocElemByID in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetDocElemsByTag in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetDocElemsByTagNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetDTD in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetDTDEntities in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetDTDInternalSubset in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetDTDName in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetDTDNotations in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetDTDPubID in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetDTDSysID in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetElemsByTag in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetElemsByTagNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetEntityNotation in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetEntityPubID in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetEntitySysID in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetEntityType in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetFirstChild in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetFirstPfnsPair in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetLastChild in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetLastError in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNamedItem in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNamedItemNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNextPfnsPair in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNextSibling in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeListItem in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeListLength in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeLocal in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeLocalLen in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeMapItem in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeMapLength in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeName in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeNameLen in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodePrefix in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeType in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeURI in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeURILen in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeValue in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeValueLen in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNodeValueStream in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNotationPubID in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetNotationSysID in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetOwnerDocument in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetOwnerElem in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetParentNode in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetPIData in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetPITarget in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetPrevSibling in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetPullNodeAsBinaryStream in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetPullNodeAsCharacterStream in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetPushNodeAsBinaryStream in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetPushNodeAsCharacterStream in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetSchema in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetSourceEntity in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetSourceLine in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetSourceLocation in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomGetTag in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomHasAttr in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomHasAttrNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomHasAttrs in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomHasChildNodes in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomImportNode in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomInsertBefore in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomInsertData in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomIsSchemaBased in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomIterDetach in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomIterNextNode in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomIterPrevNode in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomNormalize in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomNumAttrs in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomNumChildNodes in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomPrefixToURI in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomRangeClone in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeCloneContents in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeCollapse in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeCompareBoundaryPoints in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeDeleteContents in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeDetach in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeExtractContents in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeGetCollapsed in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeGetCommonAncestor in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeGetDetached in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeGetEndContainer in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeGetEndOffset in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeGetStartContainer in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeGetStartOffset in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeIsConsistent in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeSelectNode in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeSelectNodeContents in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeSetEnd in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeSetEndBefore in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeSetStart in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeSetStartAfter in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRangeSetStartBefore in package Range package for C, 6
XmlDomRemoveAttr in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomRemoveAttrNode in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomRemoveAttrNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomRemoveChild in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomRemoveNamedItem in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomRemoveNamedItemNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomReplaceChild in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomReplaceData in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSaveString in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSaveString2 in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetAttr in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetAttrNode in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetAttrNodeNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetAttrNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetAttrValue in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetAttrValueStream in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetBaseURI in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetCharData in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetDefaultNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetDocOrder in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetDTD in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetLastError in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetNamedItem in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetNamedItemNS in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetNodePrefix in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetNodeValue in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetNodeValueLen in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetNodeValueStream in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetPIData in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetPullNodeAsBinaryStream in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetPullNodeAsCharacterStream in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetPushNodeAsBinaryStream in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSetPushNodeAsCharacterStream in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSplitText in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSubstringData in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomSync in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomValidate in package DOM package for C, 3
XmlDomWalkerFirstChild in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerGetCurrentNode in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerGetRoot in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerLastChild in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerNextNode in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerNextSibling in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerParentNode in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerPrevNode in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerPrevSibling in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerSetCurrentNode in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlDomWalkerSetRoot in package Traversal package for C, 10
XmlEvCleanPPCtx in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvCreatePPCtx in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvCreateSVCtx in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvDestroyPPCtx in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvDestroySVCtx in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrCount in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclBody in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclBody0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclCount in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclElName in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclElName0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclLocalName in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclLocalName0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclName in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclName0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclPrefix in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrDeclPrefix0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrID in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrLocalName in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrLocalName0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrName in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrName0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrPrefix in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrPrefix0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrURI in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrURI0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrUriID in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrValue in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetAttrValue0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetElDeclContent in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetElDeclContent0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetEncoding in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetError in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetLocalName in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetLocalName0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetLocation in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetName in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetName0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetPEisGen in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetPERepl in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetPERepl0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetPIData in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetPIData0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetPITarget in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetPITarget0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetPrefix in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetPrefix0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetPubId in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetPubId0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetSysId in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetSysId0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetTagID in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetTagUriID in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetText in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetText0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetUENdata in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetUENdata0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetURI in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetURI0 in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvGetVersion in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvIsEncodingSpecified in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvIsStandalone in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvLoadPPDoc in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvNamespaceAttr in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvNext in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvNextTag in package Event package for C, 4
XmlEvSchemaValidate in package Event package for C, 4
XmlFreeDocument in package XML package for C, 11
XmlGetEncoding in package XML package for C, 11
XmlHasFeature in package XML package for C, 11
XmlHash in package XPath package for C, 12
XmlIsSimple in package XML package for C, 11
XmlIsUnicode in package XML package for C, 11
XmlLoadDom in package XML package for C, 11
XmlLoadSax in package XML package for C, 11
XmlLoadSaxVA in package XML package for C, 11
XmlPatch in package XmlDiff package for C, 12
XmlSaveDom in package XML package for C, 11
XmlSaxAttributeDecl in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxCDATA in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxCharacters in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxComment in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxElementDecl in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxEndDocument in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxEndElement in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxNotationDecl in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxParsedEntityDecl in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxPI in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxStartDocument in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxStartElement in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxStartElementNS in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxUnparsedEntityDecl in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxWhitespace in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSaxXmlDecl in package SAX package for C, 7
XmlSchemaClean in package Schema package for C, 8
XmlSchemaCreate in package Schema package for C, 8
XmlSchemaDestroy in package Schema package for C, 8
XmlSchemaErrorWhere in package Schema package for C, 8
XmlSchemaLoad in package Schema package for C, 8
XmlSchemaLoadedList in package Schema package for C, 8
XmlSchemaSetErrorHandler in package Schema package for C, 8
XmlSchemaSetValidateOptions in package Schema package for C, 8
XmlSchemaTargetNamespace in package Schema package for C, 8
XmlSchemaUnload in package Schema package for C, 8
XmlSchemaValidate in package Schema package for C, 8
XmlSchemaVersion in package Schema package for C, 8
XmlSoapAddBodyElement in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapAddFaultReason in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapAddFaultSubDetail in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapAddHeaderElement in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapCall in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapCreateConnection in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapCreateCtx in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapCreateMsg in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapDestroyConnection in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapDestroyCtx in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapDestroyMsg in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapError in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapGetBody in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapGetBodyElement in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapGetEnvelope in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapGetFault in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapGetHeader in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapGetHeaderElement in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapGetMustUnderstand in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapGetReasonLang in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapGetReasonNum in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapGetRelay in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapGetRole in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapHasFault in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapSetFault in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapSetMustUnderstand in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapSetRelay in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlSoapSetRole in package SOAP package for C, 9
XmlVersion in package XML package for C, 11
XmlXPathCreateCtx in package XPath package for C, 13
XmlXPathDestroyCtx in package XPath package for C, 13
XmlXPathEval in package XPath package for C, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectBoolean in package XPath package for C, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectFragment in package XPath package for C, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectNSetNode in package XPath package for C, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectNSetNum in package XPath package for C, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectNumber in package XPath package for C, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectString in package XPath package for C, 13
XmlXPathGetObjectType in package XPath package for C, 13
XmlXPathParse in package XPath package for C, 13
XmlXPointerEval in package XPointer package for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocGetNode in package XPointer package for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocGetPoint in package XPointer package for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocGetRange in package XPointer package for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocGetType in package XPointer package for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocSetFree in package XPointer package for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocSetGetItem in package XPointer package for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocSetGetLength in package XPointer package for C, 14
XmlXPtrLocToString in package XPointer package for C, 14
XmlXslCreate in package XSLT package for C, 15
XmlXslDestroy in package XSLT package for C, 15
XmlXslGetBaseURI in package XSLT package for C, 15
XmlXslGetOutput in package XSLT package for C, 15
XmlXslGetStylesheetDom in package XSLT package for C, 15
XmlXslGetTextParam in package XSLT package for C, 15
XmlXslProcess in package XSLT package for C, 15
XmlXslResetAllParams in package XSLT package for C, 15
XmlXslSetOutputDom in package XSLT package for C, 15
XmlXslSetOutputEncoding in package XSLT package for C, 15
XmlXslSetOutputMethod in package XSLT package for C, 15
XmlXslSetOutputSax in package XSLT package for C, 15
XmlXslSetOutputStream in package XSLT package for C, 15
XmlXslSetTextParam in package XSLT package for C, 15
XMLXVM_DEBUG_F in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmCompileBuffer in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmCompileDom in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmCompileFile in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmCompileURI in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmCompileXPath in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmCreate in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmCreateComp in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmDestroy in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmDestroyComp in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmEvaluateXPath in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmGetBytecodeLength in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectBoolean in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectNSetNode in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectNSetNum in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectNumber in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectString in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmGetObjectType in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmGetOutputDom in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmResetParams in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmSetBaseURI in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmSetBytecodeBuffer in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmSetBytecodeFile in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmSetBytecodeURI in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmSetDebugFunc in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmSetOutputDom in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmSetOutputEncoding in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmSetOutputSax in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmSetOutputStream in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmSetTextParam in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmTransformBuffer in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmTransformDom in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmTransformFile in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XmlXvmTransformURI in package XSLTVM package for C, 16
XPath package for C, 13
XPointer package for C, 14
XSLT package for C, 15
XSLTVM package for C, 16