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Oracle® Spatial Developer's Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E11830-02
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10 Introduction to Spatial Web Services

This chapter introduces the Oracle Spatial support for spatial Web services. A Web service enables developers of Oracle Spatial applications to provide feature data and metadata to their application users over the Web.

This chapter contains the following major sections:


If you are using Spatial Web Feature Service (WFS) or Catalog Services for the Web (CSW) support, and if you have data from a previous release that was indexed using one or more SYS.XMLTABLEINDEX indexes, you must drop the associated indexes before the upgrade and re-create the indexes after the upgrade.

For more information, see Section A.2.

10.1 Types of Spatial Web Services

Oracle Spatial provides the following types of Web services:

Security considerations for Web services are explained in Chapter 17.

10.2 Types of Users of Spatial Web Services

In the general business sense of the word "user," implementing any spatial Web services application involves the following kinds of people:

From the perspective of an administrator, application developers and end users are all "users" because database users must be created to accommodate their needs. Application developers will connect to the database as users with sufficient privileges to create and manage spatial tables and to use Oracle Spatial functions and procedures. End users will access the database through a database user with limited access privileges, typically read-only access to data or limited write access.

The chapters about Spatial Web services are written for administrators and application developers, not for end users.

10.3 Setting Up the Client for Spatial Web Services

Before anyone can use Spatial Web services, you, as an administrator with the DBA role, must ensure that:

You should then examine and modify the <j2ee_home>/home/applications/sdows/sdows/WEB-INF/conf/WSConfig.xml file, which controls Web services behavior. Example 10-1 shows the Oracle-supplied WSConfig.xml file, which you should modify as needed for your system environment. For more information about how to modify this and other files, see the Readme.txt file for the wsclient.jar demo file (described in Section 10.4)

Example 10-1 WSConfig.xml File

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This is the configuration file for Oracle 11g Spatial WS. -->
<!-- Note: All paths are resolved relative to where the WEB-INF directory 
           is located, unless specified as an absolute path name. 
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- ************************ Logging Settings ************************ -->
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- Uncomment the following to modify logging. Possible values are:
       log_level = "fatal"|"error"|"warn"|"info"|"debug"|"finest"  
                 default: info) ;
       log_thread_name = "true" | "false" ;
       log_time = "true" | "false" ;
       one or more log_output elements.
    <logging log_level="info" log_thread_name="false"
       <log_output name="System.err" />
       <log_output name="log/ws.log" />
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- ********************** WFS Cache Settings ************************ -->
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
    Uncomment the cached_feature_types tag to specify the list of feature types that are cached. 
    By default no feature types are cached.
        <feature_type ns="" name="ROADS1" />
        <feature_type ns="" name="HIGHWAYS" />
    Uncomment the wfs_cache_sync_interval tag to specify the interval in 
    milliseconds in which the WFS Cache Synchronization thread will run.
    Default is 10000 millisec.
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- ********************* WFS Parameters********************* -->
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
    Uncomment the wfs_admin_conn_name tag to specify the name of the connection in oc4j 
    data-sources.xml configuration file for the spatial_wfs_admin_usr. 
    Default value is jdbc/WFS_ADMIN_CONN_NAME.
    Uncomment the wfs_query_timeout tag to specify the query timeout value,
    which is used, when server-side locking API is called.
    The value of this tag can be a non-negative integer, and its unit is seconds.
    Default value is 10 seconds.
    Uncomment the wfs_lock_expiry tag to configure the default wfs lock expiry value,
    which is the expiry time for wfs locks, if lock expiry value is not
    explicitly specified in GetFeatureWithLock or LockFeature requests.
    The value of this tag can be a non-negative integer, and its unit is minutes.
    Default value is 4 minutes.
    Uncomment the wfs_xsd_loc_url tag to specify the URL of WFS / GML 2.1.2 specification XSDs on your server.
    This MUST be provided.
    Uncomment the wfs_ex_xsd_loc_url tag to specify the URL of OGC Exception specification XSDs on your server.
    WFS Exceptions are reports as per this XSD. If this tag is not provided then it will be initialized with 
    the value provided for wfs_xsd_loc_url (by default).
    Uncomment the gml3_xsd_loc_url tag to specify the URL of GML 3.1.1 specification XSDs on your server.
    This is needed ONLY when using GML3.1.1. 
   <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
   <!-- ********************** CSW Cache Settings ************************ -->
   <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
        <record_type ns="" name="Record" />
   <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
   <!-- ********************* CSW Parameters********************* -->
   <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
    Uncomment the csw_xsd_loc_url tag to specify the URL of CSW 2.0.0 specification XSDs on your server.
    Uncomment the csw_ex_xsd_loc_url tag to specify the URL of OWS Exception specification XSDs on your server.
    CSW Exceptions are reports as per this XSD. If this tag is not provided then it will be initialized with 
    the value provided for csw_xsd_loc_url (by default).
    This MUST be provided if you are running CSW.
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
  <!-- ********************* Guest and XML user parameters ************** -->
  <!-- ****************************************************************** -->
      <JavaClass>  </JavaClass>
      <Anonymous_xml_user>  SpatialWsXmlUser                       </Anonymous_xml_user>
      <JavaClass>           oracle.spatial.wfs.WFSHandler </JavaClass>
      <Anonymous_xml_user>  SpatialWsXmlUser                       </Anonymous_xml_user>
      <Proxy_management>    <Proxy_authentication/>                </Proxy_management>
      <JavaClass>           oracle.spatial.csw.CSWHandler </JavaClass>
      <Anonymous_xml_user>  SpatialWsXmlUser                       </Anonymous_xml_user>
      <Proxy_management>    <Proxy_authentication/>                </Proxy_management>
      <JavaClass>  </JavaClass>
      <Anonymous_xml_user>  SpatialWsXmlUser                       </Anonymous_xml_user>
      <Proxy_management>    <Proxy_authentication/>                </Proxy_management>
      <JavaClass>  </JavaClass>
      <Anonymous_xml_user>  SpatialWsXmlUser                       </Anonymous_xml_user>
      <Proxy_management>    <Proxy_authentication/>                </Proxy_management>
      <JavaClass>  </JavaClass>
      <Proxy_management>    <Fixed_app_user/>                      </Proxy_management>

You must also perform specific tasks that depend on which Web services you will be supporting for use in your environment. You will probably need to create and grant privileges to database users. You may need to download and load special data (such as for geocoding) or to modify configuration files. See the chapters on individual Web services for any specific requirements.

10.4 Demo Files for Sample Java Client

To help you get started with Spatial Web services, Oracle supplies a. jar file (wsclient.jar) with the source code and related files for setting up a sample Java client. To use this file, follow these steps:

  1. Find wsclient.jar under the Spatial demo directory.

  2. Expand (unzip) wsclient.jar into a directory of your choice.

    The top-level directory for all the files in the .jar file is named src.

  3. In the src directory, read the file named Readme.txt and follow its instructions.

    The Readme.txt file contains detailed explanations and guidelines.