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Oracle® Universal Installer and OPatch User's Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2) for Windows and UNIX

Part Number E12255-05
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E Error Messages and Solutions

This appendix provides potential cause and possible solution information for all OUI errors. The information is arranged in numerical order according to the OUI error message numbers.

OUI - 10001


OUI cannot determine the platform of this system. This may occur if OUI is running on a system that is not supported or there is a bug in OUI. Please confirm that the system is a supported configuration; if it is supported, please contact Oracle Support.

Potential Causes

OUI determines the platform from the file <ORACLE_HOME>/inventory/ContentsXML/oraclehomeproperties.xml

This message can occur from one of the following causes:

Possible Solutions

OUI - 10004


The target area <location_of_oraInventory> is being written to by another session. Please close all the other(write) sessions for accessing inventory.

Potential Causes

For any write operations in the inventory, OUI acquires a lock. The file "writer.lock" is created under the <oraInventory>/locks directory. The error message appears if a lock exists in <oraInventory>/locks that another OUI has already acquired.

Possible Solutions

OUI - 10005


You do not have sufficient permissions to access the inventory  <location_of_oraInventory>, unable to remove an existing inactive writer lock file in the inventory. Make sure you have enough permission to the ''locks'' directory to create/remove the writer.lock file.

Potential Causes

For any write operations in the inventory, OUI acquires a lock. The file "writer.lock" is created under the <oraInventory>/locks directory. The global inventory (oraInventory) was locked by another process and the writer.lock file still exists even after the process exited. The current OUI (process) is not able to remove the "writer.lock" file, because the permission for the current user does not allow this. Possibly, the current user is neither the owner nor the member of the group that owns the <oraInventory>/locks directory.

Possible Solutions

OUI - 10020


The target area <location_of_oraInventory> is being used as a source by another session. A write lock cannot be obtained.

Potential Causes

For any write operations in the inventory, OUI acquires a lock. The file "writer.lock" is created under the <oraInventory>/locks directory. This error message appears if the <oraInventory> directory is accessed by another process (may be third party tools also) so that OUI cannot create a "writer.lock" file in the <oraInventory>/locks directory.

Possible Solutions

Check if any process is accessing <oraInventory>. If so, kill/stop the process. For Unix, you can use this command:

/sbin/fuser <path_to_oraInventory>

OUI - 10021


The target area <location_of_oraInventory> is being written to by another session. A read lock cannot be obtained.

Potential Causes

Another process has locked the global inventory (oraInventory). For any reading operation or when OUI is started, OUI creates a "reader.lock" file in the <oraInventory>/locks directory. Since a write lock ("writer.lock") already exists in the <oraInventory>/locks directory, OUI cannot create a "reader.lock".

Possible Solutions

OUI - 10022


The target area {0} cannot be used because it is in an invalid state.

Potential Causes

This error can occur for many reasons. The cause is usually global inventory (oraInventory) corruption.

Possible Solutions

OUI - 10024


The DISPLAY environment variable is not set. The DISPLAY environment variable should be set to <hostname or IP address>:<screen>, where the <screen> is usually :0.0.

Potential Causes

The DISPLAY environment variable is not set, which OUI requires.

Possible Solutions

  1. Check if the DISPLAY environment variable is set. Use the following command to view the current DISPLAY environment variable setting:

    echo $DISPLAY
  2. If the DISPLAY environment variable is not set, use the following command to see what shell is being used:

    % echo $SHELL
  3. Use one of the following commands for your Unix shell as an example to set the variable:

    For the csh shell:

    % setenv DISPLAY

    For sh, ksh, and bash shells:

    $ DISPLAY=
         $ export DISPLAY

OUI - 10025


Unable to start an interactive install session because of the following error:{0} The DISPLAY environment variable should be set to <hostname or IP address>:<screen>, where the <screen> is usually ''0.0".

Potential Causes

The DISPLAY environment variable is not set properly, or client users are not authorized to connect to the X Server.

Possible Solutions

  1. Check if the DISPLAY environment variable is set. Use the following command to view the current DISPLAY environment variable setting:

    echo $DISPLAY
  2. If the DISPLAY environment variable is not set, use the following command to see what shell is being used:

    % echo $SHELL
  3. Use one of the following commands for your Unix shell as an example to set the variable:

    For the csh shell:

    % setenv DISPLAY

    For sh, ksh, and bash shells:

    $ DISPLAY=
         $ export DISPLAY
  4. Make sure that client users are authorized to connect to the X Server. To enable client users to access the X Server, open an xterm, dtterm, or xconsole as the user that started the session and type the following command:

    % xhost +
  5. To test that the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly, run an X11 based program that comes with the native operating system, such as 'xclock'.

    If you are unable to successfully run xclock, refer to your PC-X Server or OS vendor for further assistance.

OUI - 10028


The directory location you have specified ( <location> ) is not registered as an Oracle Home in the central inventory. Do you want to continue installation in this Oracle Home?

Potential Causes

OUI is not able to retrieve the Oracle Home details from the Central inventory (oraInventory).

Possible Solutions

OUI - 10029


You have specified a non-empty directory to install this product. It is recommended to specify either an empty or a non-existent directory. You may, however, choose to ignore this message if the directory contains Operating System generated files or subdirectories like 'lost+found'.

Potential Causes

The Oracle Home path (directory) specified for the installation already exists, and the directory contains files or subdirectories.

Possible Solutions

Select one of the following choices:


Use "-force" to continue past this error for a silent installation.

OUI - 10030


You have specified a non-empty directory to install this product. It is recommended to specify either an empty or a non-existent directory. You may, however, choose to ignore this message if the directory contains Operating System generated files or subdirectories like 'lost+found'. Do you want to proceed with installation in this Oracle Home?

Potential Causes

The Oracle Home path (directory) specified for the installation already exists, and the directory contains files or subdirectories.

Possible Solutions

Select one of the following choices:


Use "-force" to continue past this error for a silent installation.

OUI - 10031


Inventory location cannot be empty.

Potential Causes

This message appears only if you used the -invPtrLoc argument, as in runInstaller -invPtlLoc.

Possible Solutions

Specify the location for the central Inventory and continue with the installation.

OUI - 10033


The inventory location <location> set by the previous installation session is no longer accessible. Do you still want to continue by creating a new inventory? Note that you may lose the products installed in the earlier session.

Potential Causes

There can be multiple causes for this error. Generally, most of the problems will be related to:

Possible Solutions

Make sure that the inventory location specified in the oraInst.loc file is correct and also you have proper permissions on the specified location.

OUI - 10034


Inventory location is invalid.

Potential Causes and Possible Solutions

There are several reasons this message can appear:


"inst_loc" on Windows should always point to %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory. Manually changing this to point to another directory is unsupported.

OUI - 10035


You do not have permission to write to the inventory location.

Potential Causes

The inventory location is not accessible by the user attempting to perform the installation. The oraInventory being pointed to through the inventory_loc reference in the /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc or /etc/oraInst.loc file or inst_loc in registry has permissions that restrict the user running the OUI from writing to the oraInventory.

Possible Solutions

Ensure that you are the correct user to perform the installation. If so, you will need to do a recursive chmod to enable access to the oraInventory:

$ chmod -R 770 <full path>/oraInventory

OUI - 10036


Could not create the inventory location. You may not have permission to write to this location.

Potential Causes

The Oracle user does not have proper permission for the inventory location specified during installation.

Possible Solutions

Ensure that you are the correct user to perform the installation, and that you have proper permissions in the specified directory. Check this using the following command:

% ls -l <location>

If you do not have proper permissions, provide them as shown:

% chmod -R 755 <full path>

OUI - 10038


You do not have the necessary permissions to write to the inventory at <LOCATION>. Please make sure that you have the appropriate permissions to perform the installation.

Potential Causes

You do not have write permission for the inventory location specified during installation.

Possible Solutions

Ensure that you are the correct user to perform the installation, and that you have proper permissions in the specified directory. Check this using the following command:

% ls -l <location>

If you do not have proper permissions, provide them as shown:

% chmod -R 755 <full path>

OUI - 10039


Unable to read install inventory <Location> on this system. Please check if you have the proper permissions to read/write to the inventory.

Potential Causes

You do not have read permission for the inventory location specified during installation.

Possible Solutions

Ensure that you are the correct user to perform the installation, and that you have proper permissions in the specified directory. Check this using the following command:

% ls -l <location>

If you do not have proper permissions, provide them as shown:

% chmod -R 755 <full path>

OUI - 10040


Unable to read inventory pointer file: Check if you have the proper permissions.

Potential Causes

The inventory pointer (oraInst.loc) is owned by "root" and other users have read permission for it. For example:

[oracle@oracle ~]$ ls -l /etc/oraInst.loc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 65 Oct 3 18:42 /etc/oraInst.loc

But in this case, there is no read permission for the Oracle user on the inventory pointer.

Possible Solutions

Ensure that you are the correct user to perform the inventory actions, and that you have proper permissions in the inventory pointer (oraInst.loc). Check this using the following command:

% ls -l <location>

If you do not have proper permissions, provide them as shown:

% chmod -R 644 <location>

OUI - 10041


Unable to read inventory location registry entry. Check if the registry entry exists and if you have the proper permissions.

Potential Causes

Accessing the inventory pointer (orainst_loc) key requires administrator privileges; other users will have read permission.

Possible Solutions

The following command displays the central inventory pointer (orainst_loc) key and value:

C:\>reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE /v inst_loc

Make sure that you have administrator privileges to read the registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\inst_loc.

OUI - 10044


The selected location already contains an Oracle Home or APPL_TOP created while running a different OS.

Potential Causes

This error can occur for the following reasons:

Possible Solutions

Make sure that the software/patchset you are trying install is intended for the same platform, and make sure that the <Central_inventory>/install.platform file is not corrupted.

The install.platform file is written to only during inventory creation and does not become corrupted unless someone manually changes it.

OUI - 10053


Unable to generate temporary script: Unable to continue install.

Potential Causes

This error usually occurs when generating the script in the "/tmp" directory. You may not have proper permissions in the /tmp directory, or /tmp is full.

Possible Solutions

OUI - 10054


Unable to modify the group ownership of the OUI inventory to the requested group name. Either the specified group doesn't exist, or the current userid does not belong to that group. If the group exists, you may run the shell script as root to change the group name after installation is complete.

Potential Causes

This error usually occurs when the script attempts to modify the Central inventory group ownership.

Possible Solutions

OUI - 10055


Error in accessing the registry.

Potential Causes

This error usually occurs when you do not have administrator rights/permissions on the registry.

Possible Solutions

OUI - 10056


Error in updating the registry.

Potential Causes

This error usually occurs when you do not have administrator rights/permissions on the registry.

Possible Solutions

OUI - 10058


The OUI Inventory on this system does not exist or is not writable. The possible POTENTIAL/POSSIBLE CAUSES are:1. The script <path>/ was not executed with root privileges, or an error occurred during execution.2. You are not a member of the specified installer group.

Potential Causes

One of the following situations may apply:

Possible Solutions

OUI - 10059


English cannot be removed from the selected languages. English files are always installed.

Potential Causes

This message appear when you try to deselect English. If multiple languages are defined for the installed products, Oracle Universal Installer enables language selection for all installation types through the "Languages" button.

If you click on the Product Languages, the screen with a selection/deselection list appears. In this situation, English is selected by default and you cannot deselect it, because English files are always installed.

Possible Solutions

Do not attempt to deselect English from the language list, as English files are always installed.

OUI - 10070


The patch, which is part of patch set, has not been selected for installation.

Potential Causes

You may be trying to install the binaries on top of an incorrect Oracle home, such as installing on top of

Possible Solutions

Install the base software ( in this example) in a separate Oracle home and the upgrade the database.

OUI - 10082


The staging area needs Oracle Universal Installer version <version> or later.

Potential Causes

The OUI you are trying to use is an older version, so the installation cannot continue. For instance, you may encounter this error when trying to install Oracle RDBMS 11.2 or later with an OUI.

Possible Solutions

Use the OUI version specific to the version of the Oracle software. For instance, installation of Oracle RDBMS 11.2 requires OUI 11.2 or later.

OUI - 10083


Some of the components you selected cannot be deinstalled because they were installed using Oracle Universal Installer version {0}. Please use Oracle Universal Installer version {0} or higher to deinstall these products.

Potential Causes

The OUI you are trying to use is an older version, so the de-installation cannot continue. For instance, you may encounter this error when trying to de-install Oracle RDBMS 10.2 or later with a 10.1 OUI.

Possible Solutions

Use the OUI version specific to the version of the Oracle software for de-installation. For example, de-installation of Oracle RDBMS 11.2 requires OUI 11.2 or later.

OUI - 10088


This is a required component. You cannot de-select a required component.

Potential Causes

This error can occur when you attempt to de-select a required component. There may be dependencies with the component you are trying to de-select. For example, this message appears when you are doing a custom installation of Oracle RDBMS and are trying to de-select a required component that is required for the functioning of the Oracle RDBMS kernel.

Possible Solutions

It is not possible to de-select a required component.

OUI - 10091


There are no patches that need to be applied from the patchset Oracle <version> Patchset "x.x.x.x.x."

Potential Causes

Possible Solutions

OUI - 10092


The selected patches cannot be applied in this Oracle Home. Please try installing them in a different Oracle Home.

Potential Causes

Possible Solutions

OUI - 10094


Problem in saving inventory. Installation cannot continue.

Potential Causes

This error message can occur because you do not have proper permissions on the inventory, or there is an OUI bug.

Possible Solutions

Before you install the 11.2 software, make sure you have sufficient write permissions on the central inventory and the local inventories of all existing ORACLE_HOMEs listed in the central inventory.

OUI - 10095


You may not have enough space to write to the inventory. Do you still want to continue?

Potential Causes

This error occurs when the space is full in the disk where the inventory resides.

Possible Solutions

Make sure that you have sufficient space in the disk before you continue with the installation. Otherwise, continuing may lead to inventory corruption.

OUI - 10096


You may not have enough space to write to <location>. Please create more space at this location and try again.

Potential Causes

The disk is full where the Oracle home is being installed or already installed. The base software/patchset installation can therefore not continue.

Possible Solutions

Add more space to the disk and try the installation again.

OUI - 10104


Some of the configuration assistants failed. It is strongly recommended that you retry the configuration assistants at this time. Not successfully running any recommended assistants means your system will not be correctly configured. Select the failed assistants and click the 'Retry' button to retry them.

Potential Causes

Some of the recommended Configuration Assistants failed during installation.

Possible Solutions

Retry the failed Configuration Assistants.

OUI - 10105


Some of the configuration assistants failed. However, these are optional assistants, so they are not required for the correct configuration of your system. If you want to try to run those assistants again, select the failed assistants and click the 'Retry' button.

Potential Causes

Some of the optional Configuration Assistants failed during installation.

Possible Solutions

Retry the failed Configuration Assistants or invoke the Configuration Assistant after the installation. For example, for DBCA:


OUI - 10116


Unable to synchronize home. Not enough permission to write to directory.

Potential Causes

OUI attempts to synchronize all the Oracle homes at the end of the installation. This message can occur when the user installing Oracle does not have sufficient permissions on the other Oracle home.

Possible Solutions

Make sure that you have sufficient permissions for the Oracle homes, or you are from the group specific to all the installations.

OUI - 10122


There was a problem in accessing the staging area. File not found.

Potential Causes

OUI expects certain files to be present in the staging area, but OUI could not find them because the staging area may be corrupted.

Possible Solutions

Make sure that the downloaded software (staging area) is not corrupted.

OUI - 10135


This inventory requires Oracle Universal Installer version {0} or higher.

Potential Causes

The OUI you are trying to use is an older version, so the inventory operations cannot continue. For example, you may encounter this error when trying to update the inventory of Oracle RDBMS 11.2 or later with an OUI.

Possible Solutions

Use the OUI specific to the version of the Oracle software for de-installation.

OUI - 10136


An <OH_Name> with name <NAME> already exists at location. Please specify another location for <path>.

Potential Causes

An Oracle home already exists in the path selected for the installation.

Possible Solutions

Select another path for the installation, or de-install the Oracle home already installed in the particular path (if no longer required) and perform the new installation.

OUI - 10137


An Oracle home with name <Name> already exists at location. Please specify another name.

Potential Causes

An Oracle home with the specified name already exists in the inventory.

Possible Solutions

Specify another name for the Oracle home and continue with the installation.

OUI - 10153


The Oracle home is not valid for cloning. Install-time information cannot be retrieved for component.

Potential Causes

This error can occur because some of the components are not properly installed or the inventory is not properly updated.

Possible Solutions

Either correctly install the missing components in the source ORACLE_HOME or remove them prior to cloning.