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Oracle® Database Gateway for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Installation and Configuration Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2) for AIX 5L Based Systems (64-Bit), HP-UX Itanium, Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit), Linux x86, and Linux x86-64

Part Number E12076-02
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12 Working with the Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways Workbench

The workbench is a collection of screens. Each screen contains a menu bar, a toolbar, a shortcut bar, and perspectives. A perspective is a visual container for a set of views and content editors. The views are associated with a perspective and are not shared; however, editors are shared across perspectives.

A perspective is like a page within a book. It exists within a screen along with any number of other perspectives and, like a page within a book, only one perspective is visible at any time.

This section contains the following topics:

Using Workbench Parts

This section contains the following topics:

Main Screen

The Main Screen shows the main parts in Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways:

Main Menu Bar

The Workbench main menu bar contains the File, Edit, Navigate, Search, Window, and Help top-level menus.

Figure 12-2 Main Menu Bar

Main menu bar
Description of "Figure 12-2 Main Menu Bar"

Working with Views

Views support editors and provide alternative presentations as well as ways to navigate the information in the Workbench.

You can change the layout of a perspective by opening and closing views and by docking them in different positions in the Workbench screen. Views can be opened and closed according to your needs. See Customizing Views below.

The Workbench contains the following Views:

Customizing Views

Views can be customized to let you set up a workbench perspective in a way that is comfortable for you. This section describes how:

To move views into different positions

Click the tab at the top of a view and drag and drop it to the top, bottom, or sides of the workbench where you want to view it.

When you drag and drop a view, you see an outline for it at the position you dragged it to. The outline provides you with a guide to see where you are moving the view.

You can move to the same position as another view. If two views are in the same place, click the tab at the top of the view you want to see. For example, by default the Metadata and Configuration views are in the same place, at the left of the workspace (in the Design perspective). To change from the Metadata view to the Configuration view, click the Configuration tab.

When you move it to a new position, you can resize it.

To resize a view

  1. Place your cursor on the edge of the view you want to resize. The cursor turns into a double-sided arrow.

  2. Drag the view until it has the size you want.


    You cannot resize a view from all sides (top, bottom, left, right) The sides that are active for resizing depend on the view's position in the workbench.

To open and close views

  1. From the Window menu, click Show View and then select the view you want to open from the submenu.

  2. Select the view from the list, or point to Other and select the view from the Show View window.

Properties View

The Properties view shows the properties of a selected object, with its respective attributes.

Figure 12-3 Properties View

Properties View
Description of "Figure 12-3 Properties View"

Error Log View

The Error Log View shows errors of which you should be aware. The errors are listed by title.

Figure 12-4 Error Log View

Error log view
Description of "Figure 12-4 Error Log View"

The Error Log view lets you perform various tasks.

Configuration View

The Configuration view lets you configure all levels of access to data. Together with the Metadata View, it makes up the Design Perspective.

Figure 12-5 Configuration View

Configuration View
Description of "Figure 12-5 Configuration View"

Metadata View

The Metadata View lets you define the metadata for objects. Together with the Configuration View, it makes up the Design Perspective.

Figure 12-6 Metadata View

Metadata View
Description of "Figure 12-6 Metadata View"

Working with Perspectives

A perspective defines the initial set and layout of views in the Workbench screen. In the workbench, each perspective shares the same set of editors and each has its own functions. This lets you carry out a specific type of task or works with individual resources. Perspectives control what appears in certain menus and toolbars.

The following perspectives are available:

Design Perspective

Use the Design perspective to define your environment and create the necessary connections between the relevant data sources that contain the data you want to access.

The Design perspective is made up of the Configuration View and the Metadata View.

Runtime Perspective

The Runtime perspective lets you monitor the status of daemons and servers. You can view, print and export reports for each daemon and server, and reload and refresh daemons, servers, and configurations.

Figure 12-7 Runtime Perspective

Runtime perspective
Description of "Figure 12-7 Runtime Perspective"

Selecting a Perspective

You can move between the perspectives in Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways using the perspective tool bar on the upper right part of the screen or from the Window menu.

To open a Perspective

Do one of the following:

  • From the Window menu, click Open Perspective and select the perspective you want to open.

  • Click the Perspective button on the perspective toolbar and select the perspective you want.

Setting Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways Preferences

You set preferences for Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways from the Window menu. When you open the Preferences screen, a list of categories appears on the left side. You can expand the entries in the tree to find additional subentries where you can set the preferences. The preferences that are important for Oracle Connect for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways are:



Do not edit any Solution preferences available.

The following tables describe the Studio preferences. The Studio preferences section has two tabs.

Table 12-1 Studio Security Tab

Option Description

Use Compression

Select this option to compress data used in Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways.

Use encrypted communication

Select this option to encrypt communication between Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways and servers.

Remember Password

Select this option if you want Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways to automatically enter the user's password each time you sign on.

Change Master Password

Click this option to open the Change Master Password screen and change or create a password for using any module in Oracle Connect for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways.

Figure 12-8 Studio Security Tab

This shows the Studio Security preferences.
Description of "Figure 12-8 Studio Security Tab"

Table 12-2 Studio Advanced Tab

Option Description

Quick Startup (editors closed)

Select this option to start Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways with all editors closed and the Design perspective Configuration views collapsed. In this case, none of the editors left open at the end of the previous session will open when you start a new session. This is the default setting. If you clear this check box, all windows open at the end of the previous session will open when you start a new session and Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways will take longer to load.

Show advanced environment parameters

Select this option to display advanced binding environment properties. These properties should only be displayed in coordination with Oracle Support.

Activate JCA tracing

Select this option to implement tracing and logging on the network and communication transport layer. When you select this check box, the following fields are available:

  • JCA log level: Select Error, Info, or Debug from the list.

  • JCA log file: Enter the location of the JCA log file or click Browse to browse for a location.

Network XML Protocol

Select Text or Binary.

Connection timeout

Enter the amount of time (in seconds) that Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways waits for a connection to another system (such as a server) before returning an error message. The default value is 60. In this case, Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways waits one minute before returning an error message.

Interaction timeout

Enter the amount of time (in seconds) that Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways waits for a connection to a specific interaction (such as a data source) before returning an error message. The default value is 120. In this case, Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways waits two minutes before returning an error message.

Figure 12-9 Studio Advanced Tab

This is the Studio Advanced preferences tab.
Description of "Figure 12-9 Studio Advanced Tab"


The following table describes the Configuration preferences

Table 12-3 Configuration Preferences

Option Description

Enable specifying administration authorization directly in the source XML

Select this option if you want to enter administration authorization information on the system level. It is added to the system's source XML.

Show SYS data source

Select this option to display the SYS data source, including stored procedures and views defined for it in the Design perspective Metadata tab. This option is selected by default.

Figure 12-10 Configuration Preferences

Configuration preferences
Description of "Figure 12-10 Configuration Preferences"


The following table describes the Metadata preferences.

Table 12-4 Metadata Preferences

Options Description

Enable editing source XML

Select this option to allow editing of the source tabs' XML content.

Figure 12-11 Metadata Preferences

This is the Metadata preferences screen.
Description of "Figure 12-11 Metadata Preferences"

Runtime Manager

The following table describes the Runtime Manager preferences.

Table 12-5 Runtime Manager Preferences

Option Description

Enable periodic machine check

Select this option to set up a system check on a scheduled basis.

If you select this option, enter a time interval in the field below. The time interval is in seconds. For example, if you want a system check every minute, enter 60.

Figure 12-12 Runtime Manager Preferences

Thiis is the Runtime Manager preferences screen.
Description of "Figure 12-12 Runtime Manager Preferences"


Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways has many built-in keyboard shortcuts. You can also customize keyboard shortcuts in Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways. The key preferences has two tabs. The View tab shows the list of default shortcuts.

Figure 12-13 Key View Tab

This screen shows the Key view preferences.
Description of "Figure 12-13 Key View Tab"

The Modify tab lets you make changes to the current keyboard shortcuts or add new shortcuts. If you want to return to the default settings, click Restore Defaults at the bottom of the screen.

Figure 12-14 Key Modify Tab

This is the Key Modify tab.
Description of "Figure 12-14 Key Modify Tab"

Default Keyboard Shortcuts

This following table shows the default shortcuts available in Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways.

Table 12-6 Default Keyboard Shortcuts

Command Key Sequence Context in which the command is available

Content Assist


In Dialogs and Windows

Context Information


In Windows



In Dialogs and Windows



In Dialogs and Windows



In Dialogs and Windows



In Dialogs and Windows



In Windows

Find Next


Editing Text

Find Previous


Editing Text

Find and Replace


In Windows

Incremental Find


Editing Text

Incremental Find Reverse


Editing Text



In Dialogs and Windows



In Dialogs and Windows

Quick Diff Toggle


Editing Text

Quick Fix


In Windows



In Windows

Select All


In Dialogs and Windows

Toggle Insert Mode


Editing Text



In Windows

Word Completion


Editing Text



In Windows



In Windows

Close All


In Windows



In Windows



In Windows

New menu


In Windows



In Windows



In Windows



In Windows



In Windows



In Windows

Save All


In Windows

Backward History


In Windows

Forward History


In Windows

Go to Line,


Editing Text

Last Edit Location


In Windows



In Windows

Open Resource


In Windows



In Windows

Show In menu


In Windows

Build All


In Windows

Open Search Dialog


In Windows



Editing Text

Copy Lines


Editing Text

Delete Line


Editing Text

Delete Next Word


Editing Text

Delete Previous Word


Editing Text

Delete to End of Line


Editing Text

Duplicate Lines


Editing Text



Editing Text



Editing Text

Insert Line Above Current Line


Editing Text

Insert Line Below Current Line


Editing Text

Move Lines Down


Editing Text

Move Lines Up


Editing Text

Next Word Editing Text


Editing Text

Previous Word


Editing Text

Scroll Line Down


Editing Text

Scroll Line Up


Editing Text

Select Next Word


Editing Text

Select Previous Word


Editing Text

To Lower Case


Editing Text

To Upper Case Editing Text


Editing Text

Toggle Folding


Editing Text

Toggle Overwrite


Editing Text

Cheat Sheets In Windows

Alt+Shift+Q, H

In Windows

Console In Windows

Alt+Shift+Q, C

In Windows

Search In Windows

Alt+Shift+Q, S

In Windows

Show View (View: Outline) In Windows

Alt+Shift+Q, O

In Windows

Show View (View:)

Alt+Shift+Q, X

In Windows

Activate Editor


In Windows

Maximize Active View or Editor


In Windows

Next Editor


In Windows

Next Perspective


In Windows

Next View In Windows


In Windows

Open Editor Drop Down


In Windows

Previous Editor


In Windows

Previous Perspective In Windows


In Windows

Previous View In Windows


In Windows

Show Key Assist In Dialogs and Windows


In Dialogs and Windows

Show Ruler Context Menu


Editing Text

Show System Menu


In Windows

Show View Menu


In Windows

Switch to Editor


In Windows