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Oracle® Database JDBC Developer's Guide,
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10589-01
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3 JDBC Standards Support

The Oracle Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) drivers support different versions of the JDBC standard features. In Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2), Oracle JDBC drivers have been enhanced to provide support for the JDBC 4.0 standards. These features are provided through the oracle.jdbc and oracle.sql packages. These packages support Java Development Kit (JDK) releases 1.5 and 1.6. This chapter discusses the JDBC standards support in Oracle JDBC drivers. It contains the following sections:

Support for JDBC 2.0 Standard

Standard JDBC 2.0 features are supported by JDK 1.2 and later versions. There are three areas to consider:

This section covers the following topics:


Versions of JDK earlier than 1.5 are no longer supported. The package oracle.jdbc2 has been removed.

Data Type Support

Oracle JDBC fully supports JDK 1.5 and JDK 1.6, which includes standard JDBC 2.0 functionality through implementation of interfaces in the standard java.sql package. These interfaces are implemented as appropriate by classes in the oracle.sql and oracle.jdbc packages.

Standard Feature Support

In a JDK 1.5 environment, using the JDBC classes in ojdbc5.jar, JDBC 2.0 features, such as scrollable result sets, updatable result sets, and update batching, are supported through methods specified by standard JDBC 2.0 interfaces.

Extended Feature Support

Features of the JDBC 2.0 optional package, including data sources, connection pooling, and distributed transactions, are supported in a JDK 1.2.x or later environment.

The standard javax.sql package and classes that implement its interfaces are included in the Java Archive (JAR) files packaged with Oracle Database.

Standard versus Oracle Performance Enhancement APIs

The following performance enhancements are available under JDBC 2.0, which had previously been available only as Oracle extensions:

  • Update batching

  • Fetch size or row prefetching

In each case, you have the option of using the standard model or the Oracle model. Oracle recommends that you use the JDBC standard model whenever possible. Do not, however, try to mix usage of the standard model and Oracle model within a single application for either of these features.

Support for JDBC 3.0 Standard

Standard JDBC 3.0 features are supported by JDK 1.4 and later versions. Table 3-1 lists the JDBC 3.0 features supported by Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) and gives references to a detailed discussion of each feature.

Table 3-1 Key Areas of JDBC 3.0 Functionality

Feature Comments and References

Transaction savepoints

See "Transaction Savepoints" for information.

Statement caching

Reuse of prepared statements by connection pools. See Chapter 20, "Statement and Result Set Caching".

Switching between local and global transactions

See "Switching Between Global and Local Transactions".

LOB modification

See "JDBC 3.0 LOB Interface Methods" .

Named SQL parameters

See "Interface oracle.jdbc.OracleCallableStatement" and "Interface oracle.jdbc.OraclePreparedStatement" .


See Chapter 18, "JDBC RowSets"

Retrieving auto-generated keys

See "Retrieval of Auto-Generated Keys"

Result set holdability

See "Result Set Holdability"

The following JDBC 3.0 features supported by Oracle JDBC drivers are covered in this section:

Transaction Savepoints

The JDBC 3.0 specification supports savepoints, which offer finer demarcation within transactions. Applications can set a savepoint within a transaction and then roll back all work done after the savepoint. Savepoints relax the atomicity property of transactions. A transaction with a savepoint is atomic in the sense that it appears to be a single unit outside the context of the transaction, but code operating within the transaction can preserve partial states.


Savepoints are supported for local transactions only. Specifying a savepoint within a global transaction causes a SQLException exception to be thrown.

Creating a Savepoint

You create a savepoint using the Connection.setSavepoint method, which returns a java.sql.Savepoint instance.

A savepoint is either named or unnamed. You specify the name of a savepoint by supplying a string to the setSavepoint method. If you do not specify a name, then the savepoint is assigned an integer ID. You retrieve a name using the getSavepointName method. You retrieve an ID using the getSavepointId method.


Attempting to retrieve a name from an unnamed savepoint or attempting to retrieve an ID from a named savepoint throws a SQLException exception.

Rolling Back to a Savepoint

You roll back to a savepoint using the Connection.rollback(Savepoint svpt) method. If you try to roll back to a savepoint that has been released, then a SQLException exception is thrown.

Releasing a Savepoint

You remove a savepoint using the Connection.releaseSavepoint(Savepoint svpt) method.

Checking Savepoint Support

You query if savepoints are supported by your database by calling the oracle.jdbc.OracleDatabaseMetaData.supportsSavepoints method, which returns true if savepoints are available, false otherwise.

Savepoint Notes

When using savepoints, you must consider the following:

  • After a savepoint has been released, attempting to reference it in a rollback operation will cause a SQLException exception to be thrown.

  • When a transaction is committed or rolled back, all savepoints created in that transaction are automatically released and become invalid.

  • Rolling a transaction back to a savepoint automatically releases and makes invalid any savepoints created after the savepoint in question.

Retrieval of Auto-Generated Keys

Many database systems automatically generate a unique key field when a row is inserted. Oracle Database provides the same functionality with the help of sequences and triggers. JDBC 3.0 introduces the retrieval of auto-generated keys feature that enables you to retrieve such generated values. In JDBC 3.0, the following interfaces are enhanced to support the retrieval of auto-generated keys feature:

  • java.sql.DatabaseMetaData

  • java.sql.Connection

  • java.sql.Statement

These interfaces provide methods that support retrieval of auto-generated keys. However, this feature is supported only when INSERT statements are processed. Other data manipulation language (DML) statements are processed, but without retrieving auto-generated keys.


The Oracle server-side internal driver does not support the retrieval of auto-generated keys feature.


If key columns are not explicitly indicated, then Oracle JDBC drivers cannot identify which columns need to be retrieved. When a column name or column index array is used, Oracle JDBC drivers can identify which columns contain auto-generated keys that you want to retrieve. However, when the Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS integer flag is used, Oracle JDBC drivers cannot identify these columns. When the integer flag is used to indicate that auto-generated keys are to be returned, the ROWID pseudo column is returned as key. The ROWID can be then fetched from the ResultSet object and can be used to retrieve other columns.

Sample Code

The following code illustrates retrieval of auto-generated keys:

/** SQL statements for creating an ORDERS table and a sequence for generating the

String cols[] = {"ORDER_ID", "DESCRIPTION"};

// Create a PreparedStatement for inserting a row into the ORDERS table.
OraclePreparedStatement pstmt = (OraclePreparedStatement)
 966431502, ?)", cols);
char c[] = {'a', '\u5185', 'b'};
String s = new String(c);
pstmt.setNString(1, s);
ResultSet rset = pstmt.getGeneratedKeys();

In the preceding example, a sequence, SEQ01, is created to generate values for the ORDER_ID column starting from 1000 and incrementing by 1 each time the sequence is processed to generate the next value. An OraclePreparedStatement object is created to insert a row in to the ORDERS table.


Auto-generated keys are implemented using the DML returning clause. So, they are subjected to the following limitations:

  • You cannot combine auto-generated keys with batch update.

  • You need to access the ResultSet object returned from getGeneratedKeys method by position only and no bind variable names should be used as columns in the ResultSet object.

JDBC 3.0 LOB Interface Methods

Table 3-2 and Table 3-3 show the conversions between Oracle proprietary methods and JDBC 3.0 standard methods.

Table 3-2 BLOB Method Equivalents

Oracle Proprietary Method JDBC 3.0 Standard Method

putBytes(long pos, byte [] bytes)

setBytes(long pos, byte[] bytes)

putBytes(long pos, byte [] bytes, int length)

setBytes(long pos, byte[] bytes, int offset, int len)

getBinaryOutputStream(long pos)

setBinaryStream(long pos)

trim (long len)

truncate(long len)

Table 3-3 CLOB Method Equivalents

Oracle Proprietary Method JDBC 3.0 Standard Method

putString(long pos, String str)

setString(long pos, String str)

not applicable

setString(long pos, String str, int offset, int len)

getAsciiOutputStream(long pos)

setAsciiStream(long pos)

getCharacterOutputStream(long pos)

setCharacterStream(long pos)

trim (long len)

truncate(long len)

Result Set Holdability

Result set holdability was introduced since JDBC 3.0. This feature enables applications to decide whether the ResultSet objects should be open or closed, when a commit operation is performed. The commit operation could be either implicit or explicit.

Oracle Database supports only HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT. Therefore, it is the default value for Oracle JDBC drivers. Any attempt to change holdability will throw a SQLException exception.

Support for JDBC 4.0 Standard

The JDBC 4.0 standard support is provided by JDK 1.6 and later versions. Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) JDBC drivers provide support for the JDBC 4.0 standard.


  • You need to have the ojdbc6.jar in your classpath environment variable in order to have JDBC 4.0 standard support.

  • The JDBC 4.0 specification defines the getClientInfo and setClientInfo methods to get and set client information. The 11.2 Oracle JDBC drivers do not define any client information, so any call to these methods throws a SQLClientInfoException exception.

  • The JDBC 4.0 specification defines the java.sql.Connection.createArrayOf factory method to create java.sql.Array objects. The createArrayOf method accepts the name of the array element type as one of the arguments, where the array element type is anonymous. Oracle database supports only named array types, not anonymous array types. So, the 11.2 Oracle JDBC drivers do not and cannot support the createArrayOf method. You must use the Oracle specific createARRAY method to create an array type. For more information about the createArrayOf method, refer to "Creating ARRAY Objects".

  • This document provides only an overview of these new features. For detailed information about these features, see "Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (JSE) 6.0 specification" at

Some of the features available in Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (11.2) JDBC drivers are the following:

Wrapper Pattern Support

Wrapper pattern is a common coding pattern used in Java applications to provide extensions beyond the traditional JDBC API that are specific to a data source. You may need to use these extensions to access the resources that are wrapped as proxy class instances representing the actual resources. JDBC 4.0 introduces the Wrapper interface that describes a standard mechanism to access these wrapped resources represented by their proxy, to permit direct access to the resource delegates.

The Wrapper interface provides the following two methods:

  • public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface) throws SQLException;

  • public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> iface) throws SQLException;

The other JDBC 4.0 interfaces, except those that represent SQL data, all implement this interface. These include Connection, Statement and its subtypes, ResultSet, and the metadata interfaces.

Enhanced Exception Hierarchy and SQLException

JDBC 3.0 defines only a single exception, SQLException. However, there are large categories of errors and it is useful to distinguish them. This feature provides subclasses of the SQLException class to identify the different categories of errors. The primary distinction is between permanent errors and transient errors. Permanent errors are a result of the correct operation of the system and will always occur. Transient errors are the result of failures, including timeouts, of some part of the system and may not reoccur.

JDBC 4.0 adds additional exceptions to represent transient and permanent errors and the different categories of these errors.

Also, the SQLException class and its subclasses are enhanced to provide support for the J2SE chained exception functionality.

The RowId Data Type

JDBC 4.0 provides the java.sql.RowId data type to represent SQL ROWID values. You can retrieve a RowId value using the getter methods defined in the ResultSet and CallableStatement interfaces. You can also use a RowId value in a parameterized PreparedStatement to set a parameter with a RowId object or in an updatable result set to update a column with a specific RowId value.

A RowId object is valid until the identified row is not deleted. A RowId object may also be valid for the following:

  • The duration of the transaction in which it is created

  • The duration of the session in which it is created

  • An undefined duration where by it is valid forever

The lifetime of the RowId object can be determined by calling the DatabaseMetaData.getRowIdLifetime method.

LOB Creation

In JDBC 4.0, the Connection interface has been enhanced to provide support for the creation of BLOB, CLOB, and NCLOB objects. The interface provides the createBlob, createClob, and createNClob methods that enable you to create Blob, Clob, and NClob objects.

The created large objects (LOBs) do not contain any data. You can add or retrieve data to or from these objects by calling the APIs available in the java.sql.Blob, java.sql.Clob, and java.sql.NClob interfaces. You can either retrieve the entire content or a part of the content from these objects. The following code snippet illustrates how to retrieve 100 bytes of data from a BLOB object starting at offset 200:

Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);
Blob aBlob = con.createBlob();
// Add data to the BLOB object.
// Retrieve part of the data from the BLOB object.
InputStream is = aBlob.getBinaryStream(200, 100);

You can also pass LOBs as input parameters to a PreparedStatement object by using the setBlob, setClob, and setNClob methods. You can use the updateBlob, updateClob, and updateNClob methods to update a column value in an updatable result set.

These LOBs are temporary LOBs and can be used for any purpose for which temporary LOBs should be used. To make the storage permanent in the database, these LOBs must be written to a table.

Temporary LOBs remain valid for at least the duration of the transaction in which they are created. This may result in unwarranted use of memory during a long running transaction. You can release LOBs by calling their free method, as follows:

Clob aClob = con.createClob();
int numWritten = aClob.setString(1, val);;

National Language Character Set Support

JDBC 4.0 introduces the NCHAR, NVARCHAR, LONGNVARCHAR, and NCLOB JDBC types to access the national character set types. These types are similar to the CHAR, VARCHAR, LONGVARCHAR, and CLOB types, except that the values are encoded using the national character set.