Oracle® Warehouse Builder OMB*Plus Command Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2) Part Number E14406-01 |
alterProcessFlowCommand = OMBALTER PROCESS_FLOW "QUOTED_STRING" ( ( "renameClause" [ "alterPropertiesOrIconSetClause" ] [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] ) | ( "alterPropertiesOrIconSetClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] ) | "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ) renameClause = RENAME TO "QUOTED_STRING" alterPropertiesOrIconSetClause = SET ( "setPropertiesClause" [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" | UNSET "unsetReferenceIconSetClause" ] | "setReferenceIconSetClause" ) | UNSET "unsetReferenceIconSetClause" alterProcessFlowSCOClauses = ADD ( "addUserDefinedParameterClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "addGenericActivityParameterClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "addProcessParameterClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "addProcessVariableClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "addActivityClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "addTransitionClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] ) | MODIFY ( "modifyGenericActivityParameterClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "modifyUserDefinedActivityParameterClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "modifyProcessParameterClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "modifyProcessVariableClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "modifyActivityClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "modifyUserDefinedActivityClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "modifyTransitionClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] ) | DELETE ( "deleteUserDefinedParameterClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "deleteGenericActivityParameterClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "deleteProcessParameterClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "deleteProcessVariableClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "deleteActivityClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] | "deleteTransitionClause" [ "alterProcessFlowSCOClauses" ] ) setPropertiesClause = PROPERTIES "(" "propertyNameList" ")" VALUES "(" "propertyValueList" ")" setReferenceIconSetClause = ( REFERENCE | REF ) ICONSET "QUOTED_STRING" unsetReferenceIconSetClause = ( REFERENCE | REF ) ICONSET addUserDefinedParameterClause = ( PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING" OF USER_DEFINED ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" ) [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] addGenericActivityParameterClause = ( PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING" OF ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" ) [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] addProcessParameterClause = ( PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING" ) [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] addProcessVariableClause = ( VARIABLE "QUOTED_STRING" ) [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] addActivityClause = ( "addStandardActivityClause" | "addMapActivityClause" | "addTemplateActivityClause" | "addDataAuditorActivityClause" | "addFunctionActivityClause" | "addSubProcessActivityClause" | "addWebServiceActivityClause" ) addTransitionClause = ( TRANSITION "QUOTED_STRING" ( FROM ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" ) ( TO "QUOTED_STRING" ) ) [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] modifyGenericActivityParameterClause = PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING" OF ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" ( ( "renameClause" [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] ) | ( SET "setPropertiesClause" ) ) modifyUserDefinedActivityParameterClause = PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING" OF USER_DEFINED ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" ( ( "renameClause" [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] ) | ( SET "setPropertiesClause" ) ) modifyProcessParameterClause = PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING" ( "renameClause" [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] | SET "setPropertiesClause" ) modifyProcessVariableClause = VARIABLE "QUOTED_STRING" ( "renameClause" [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] | SET "setPropertiesClause" ) modifyActivityClause = ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" ( ( "renameClause" [ "alterPropertiesOrIconSetClause" ] [ "modifyActivityParameterClause" ] ) | ( "alterPropertiesOrIconSetClause" [ "modifyActivityParameterClause" ] ) | "modifyActivityParameterClause" ) modifyUserDefinedActivityClause = ( USER_DEFINED | TRANSFORMATION | MAPPING ) ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" ( "renameClause" [ "alterPropertiesOrIconSetClause" ] [ "modifyUDActivityParameterClause" ] | "alterPropertiesOrIconSetClause" [ "modifyUDActivityParameterClause" ] | "modifyUDActivityParameterClause" ) modifyTransitionClause = TRANSITION "QUOTED_STRING" ( "renameClause" [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] | SET "setPropertiesClause" ) deleteUserDefinedParameterClause = PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING" OF USER_DEFINED ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" deleteGenericActivityParameterClause = PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING" OF ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" deleteProcessParameterClause = PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING" deleteProcessVariableClause = VARIABLE "QUOTED_STRING" deleteActivityClause = ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" deleteTransitionClause = TRANSITION "QUOTED_STRING" propertyNameList = ( "UNQUOTED_STRING" | BINDING ) { "," ( "UNQUOTED_STRING" | BINDING ) } propertyValueList = "propertyValue" { "," "propertyValue" } addStandardActivityClause = ( "UNQUOTED_STRING" | USER_DEFINED ) ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET ( "setPropertiesClause" [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] | "setReferenceIconSetClause" ) ] addMapActivityClause = ( MAPPING ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET ( PROPERTIES "collectPropertiesClause" [ SET ( [ ( REF | REFERENCE ) "setPropertiesAndReferencesMapClauses" ] [ "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] ) ] | ( REF | REFERENCE ) "setPropertiesAndReferencesMapClauses" [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] | "setReferenceIconSetClause" ) ] ) addTemplateActivityClause = ( ACTIVITY_TEMPLATE ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET ( PROPERTIES "collectPropertiesClause" [ SET ( [ ( REF | REFERENCE ) "setPropertiesAndReferencesTemplateClause" ] [ "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] ) ] | ( REF | REFERENCE ) "setPropertiesAndReferencesTemplateClause" [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] | "setReferenceIconSetClause" ) ] ) addDataAuditorActivityClause = ( DATA_AUDITOR ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET ( PROPERTIES "collectPropertiesClause" [ SET ( [ ( REF | REFERENCE ) "setPropertiesAndReferencesDataAuditorClauses" ] [ "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] ) ] | ( REF | REFERENCE ) "setPropertiesAndReferencesDataAuditorClauses" [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] | "setReferenceIconSetClause" ) ] ) addFunctionActivityClause = ( TRANSFORMATION ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET ( PROPERTIES "collectPropertiesClause" [ SET ( [ ( REF | REFERENCE ) "setPropertiesAndReferencesFunctionClauses" ] [ "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] ) ] | ( REF | REFERENCE ) "setPropertiesAndReferencesFunctionClauses" [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] | "setReferenceIconSetClause" ) ] ) addSubProcessActivityClause = ( SUBPROCESS ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" SET ( PROPERTIES "collectPropertiesClause" SET ( REF | REFERENCE ) "setPropertiesAndReferencesSubProcessClauses" [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] | ( REF | REFERENCE ) "setPropertiesAndReferencesSubProcessClauses" [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] ) ) addWebServiceActivityClause = ( WEB_SERVICE ACTIVITY "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET ( PROPERTIES "collectPropertiesClause" [ SET ( [ ( REF | REFERENCE ) "setPropertiesAndReferencesWebServiceClauses" ] [ "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] ) ] | ( REF | REFERENCE ) "setPropertiesAndReferencesWebServiceClauses" [ SET "setReferenceIconSetClause" ] | "setReferenceIconSetClause" ) ] ) modifyActivityParameterClause = MODIFY "modifyActivityParameter" [ "modifyActivityParameterClause" ] modifyUDActivityParameterClause = ADD ( "addUDActivityParameterClause" [ "modifyUDActivityParameterClause" ] ) | MODIFY ( "alterUDActivityParameterClause" [ "modifyUDActivityParameterClause" ] ) | DELETE ( "deleteUDActivityParameterClause" [ "modifyUDActivityParameterClause" ] ) propertyValue = ( "QUOTED_STRING" | "INTEGER_LITERAL" | "FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL" ) collectPropertiesClause = "(" "propertyNameList" ")" VALUES "(" "propertyValueList" ")" setPropertiesAndReferencesMapClauses = ( MAPPING "QUOTED_STRING" ) setPropertiesAndReferencesTemplateClause = ( ACTIVITY_TEMPLATE "QUOTED_STRING" ) setPropertiesAndReferencesDataAuditorClauses = ( DATA_AUDITOR "QUOTED_STRING" ) setPropertiesAndReferencesFunctionClauses = ( TRANSFORMATION "QUOTED_STRING" ) setPropertiesAndReferencesSubProcessClauses = ( PROCESS_FLOW "QUOTED_STRING" ) setPropertiesAndReferencesWebServiceClauses = ( WEB_SERVICE "QUOTED_STRING" ) modifyActivityParameter = PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING" SET "setPropertiesClause" addUDActivityParameterClause = PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING" [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] alterUDActivityParameterClause = PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING" ( ( "renameClause" [ SET "setPropertiesClause" ] ) | ( SET "setPropertiesClause" ) ) deleteUDActivityParameterClause = PARAMETER "QUOTED_STRING"
This clause is wrapper clause to add, modify or delete Process Flow's second class objects.
Used to set properties (core, user-defined) for process flow. Note: For MAPPING, TRANSFORMATION and SUBPROCESS
activities the setPropertiesAndReferencesMapClauses,
setPropertiesAndReferencesFunctionClauses and
setPropertiesAndReferencesSubProcessClauses respectively,
are mandatory.
For MAPPING or TRANSFORMATION activities and the REFERENCE property has to be set to a
valid MAP or TRANSFORMATION within the current project.
For SUBPROCESS activities the REFERENCE property has to be set
Valid properties are shown below:
Base properties for PROCESS_FLOW: Basic properties for Process Flow, Activity, Transition and Parameter: Name: BUSINESS_NAME Type: STRING(200) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Business name of the Process Flow Name: DESCRIPTION Type: STRING(4000) Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string Description of the Process Flow Core properties for Transition : Name: TRANSITION_CONDITION Type: STRING Valid Values: '', SUCCESS, ERROR, WARNING Default: Empty string i.e. Unconditional Sets the Transition Condition of a Transition Name: SIMPLE_CONDITION Type: STRING Valid Values: '', SUCCESS, ERROR, WARNING Default: Empty string i.e. Unconditional Sets the Simple Condition of a Transition Name: COMPLEX_CONDITION Type: STRING Sets the Complex Condition of a Transition Description of the Process Flow Core properties for Activity Parameter : Name: DATATYPE Type: STRING Valid Values: INTEGER, FLOAT, DATE, STRING, BOOLEAN Default: STRING Sets the datatype of a Activity Parameter Name: DIRECTION Type: STRING Valid Values: IN Default: IN Sets the direction of a Activity Parameter Name: ISLITERALVALUE Type: STRING Valid Values: TRUE FALSE Default: TRUE Whether the value stored is a literal value or an interpreted value, valid for PARAMETERS and VARIABLES. Name: VALUE Type: STRING Valid Values: Examples '123', '123.456', 'Jan-08-2003', 'I am String', 'true' Default: Empty string For Mapping activities representing PLSQL maps, the allowed value for the parameters: OPERATING_MODE:'SET_BASED' 'ROW_BASED' 'ROW_BASED_TARGET_ONLY' 'SET_BASED_FAIL_OVER_TO_ROW_BASED' 'SET_BASED_FAIL_OVER_TO_ROW_BASED_TARGET_ONLY' AUDIT_LEVEL:'NONE' 'STATISTICS' 'ERROR_DETAILS' 'COMPLETE' Sets the value of a Activity Parameter Name: BINDING Type: STRING Valid Values: Examples 'PARAM_1', 'PARAM_2' Default: Empty string Represents the parameter on the process flow that this parameter is bound to. When setting users can specify the name of any PROCESS PARAMETER of same datatype. This feature allows for parameterizing the process flow. If the parameter is bound the VALUE property is ignored when generating the process flow. To unbind a parameter, use an empty quoted string ie. '', and the parameter will be unbound. Name: BOUND_NAME Type: STRING Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: Empty string The name of the object which a process flow activity represents, for example, a mapping. Name: DEPLOYED_LOCATION Type: STRING Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION The locaion to which the process flow is deployed. Name: EXECUTION_LOCATION Type: STRING Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: NATIVE_EXECUTION The location which is used to execute the process flow, which may differ from the deployment location. Name: REMOTE_LOCATION Type: STRING Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION The File location which is remote from the Working Location, used by FTP to connect to the remote FTP server and set the remote working directory. Name: USE_RETURN_AS_STATUS Type: BOOLEAN Valid Values: true, false Default: false When TRUE, the returned result will directly control the outcome of the activity/operator, 1=SUCCESS, 2=WARNINGS, 3=FAILURE. Name: WORKING_LOCATION Type: STRING Valid Values: Any valid character string in supported character set. Default: USE_DEFAULT_LOCATION The File location used to initialize the current working directory for an Operating System executable.
This clause adds the Parametrers for a User Defined Activity of a Process Flow.
Modify the definition of a parameter of a user defined activity.
This clause deletes the Parametrers of a User Defined Activity of a Process Flow.
Alter user defined activity by adding new parameters or modifying existing parameter.
This clause collects core properties of Map, Function/Procedure and Subprocess activity.
This clause sets reference to the existing activity template.
This clause sets reference to the existing data auditor.
This clause sets a reference to existing Function or Procedure.
In the current user defined activity, alter the properties of the activity parameter eg. rename, set DATATYPE or set VALUE.
For the current user defined activity, delete the activity parameter.