This screenshot shows the Reader subpage of the View Apply Statistics page. The top right-hand corner has a refresh control that includes:
The text "June 23, 2009 2:16:49 PM PDT"
A Refresh button
A View Data list with Manually selected
Below the refresh control are the subpage links Queue, Reader, Coordinator, and Server. The Coordinator subpage is selected. The Coordinator subpage has several fields and a Coordinator Statistics line chart.
The fields include:
A State field with "DEQUEUE MESSAGES" displayed
A Session ID of the reader's session field with a "69" link displayed
A Total Transactions Dequeued field with "35074" displayed
A Dequeued Message Number field with "716143" displayed
A Dequeued Message Create Time field with "June 19, 2009 1:07:50 PM PDT" displayed
An SGA Used field with "0" displayed
A Last Browse SCN with "0" displayed
An Oldest SCN field with "716143" displayed
A blank Last Browse Sequence Number field
A blank Last Dequeue Sequence Number field
A Total Messages Spilled with "169" displayed
A Spill low-watermark SCN with "716143" displayed
An Oldest Transaction Id with "20.0.198" displayed
A Mode field with "Combined Capture and Apply" displayed
A SID of Session receiving changes from Capture field with an "83" link displayed
A Serial# of Session receiving changes from Capture with "8" displayed
An OS PID of the Propagation Receiver field with "18678" displayed
A Number of Bytes received from Capture with "7212527" displayed
An Elapsed Dequeue Time (in hundredths of a second) with "22184" displayed
An Elapsed Schedule Time (in hundredths of a second) with "4188" displayed
An Elapsed Spill Time (in hundredths of a second) with "1579" displayed
The Reader Statistics line chart has an x-axis that shows the Number of Messages. The x-coordinates range from 0 to 40,000. The y-axis shows Time. The y-coordinates range from 2:18 PM to 12 PM on June 23, 2009. The following types of information are plotted in the chart: Total Messages Dequeued. The chart indicates that the total messages dequeued remains at about 35,000 during the time period.