This screenshot shows the Streams subpage of the Manage Replication page. At the top of the page are the subpage links Overview, Streams, and Topology. Below the links is the text, "Last Refresh June 25, 2009 6:45:59 AM PDT".
The top right-hand corner has a refresh control that includes:
The text "Last Refresh June 25, 2009 6:45:59 AM PDT"
A Refresh button
A View Data list with "Real Time: 1 Minute Refresh" selected
Under the text is a View field with the options Component Level and Path Level, with Path Level selected. Under this field is a Search tool with All selected, and empty text field, and a Go button. After the Search tool, there is an Action control with "View Statistics" selected and a Go button.
Next is a table with the following fields: Select, Path/Component Name, Type, Status, State, Bottleneck, Latency (Seconds), Throughput (Messages/Sec), and Component Database. Fifteen rows are shown in the table. The values of row 1 are: Unselected, "Stream Path Summary (Configuration Wide)" text, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, and blank. The values of row 2 are: Selected, "DB1.EXAMPLE.COM=>DB2.EXAMPLE.COM:2" link, blank, Status Enabled, blank, blank, 4, 9534, and blank. The values of row 3 are: Unselected, "DB1$CAP" text, Capture Process icon, Status enabled, "CAPTURING CHANGES" text, blank, 2, 9322, and "DB1.EXAMPLE.COM" link. The values of row 4 are: Unselected, ""STRMADMIN"."DB1$CAPQ"" text, Queue icon, Status enabled, "Enqueue enabled, Dequeue enabled" text, blank, blank, 9370, and "DB1.EXAMPLE.COM" link. The values of row 5 are: Unselected, ""STRMADMIN"."DB1$CAPQ"=>"STRMADMIN" text, Propagation Sender icon, Status enabled, "Dequeuing LCRs" text, blank, 4, 7059, and "DB1.EXAMPLE.COM" link. The values of row 6 are: Unselected, ""STRMADMIN"."DB1$CAPQ"@DB1.EXAMPLE.COM" text, Propagation Receiver icon, Status enabled, "Waiting for message from propagation sender" text, blank, blank, blank, and "DB2.EXAMPLE.COM" link. The values of row 7 are: Unselected, ""STRMADMIN"."DB1$APPQ"" text, Queue icon, Status enabled, "Enqueue enabled, Dequeue enabled" text, blank, blank, 6872, and "DB2.EXAMPLE.COM" link. The values of row 8 are: Unselected, "APPLY$_DB1_2" text, Apply Process icon, Status enabled, "DEQUEUE MESSAGES" text, blank, 9534, and "DB2.EXAMPLE.COM" link. The values of row 9 are: Selected, "DB2.EXAMPLE.COM=>DB1.EXAMPLE.COM:1" link, blank, Status Enabled, blank, blank, 5, 9561, and blank. The values of row 10 are: Unselected, "DB2$CAP" text, Capture Process icon, Status enabled, "CAPTURING CHANGES" text, blank, 4, 9146, and "DB2.EXAMPLE.COM" link. The values of row 11 are: Unselected, ""STRMADMIN"."DB2$CAPQ"" text, Queue icon, Status enabled, "Enqueue enabled, Dequeue enabled" text, blank, blank, 8255, and "DB2.EXAMPLE.COM" link. The values of row 12 are: Unselected, ""STRMADMIN"."DB2$CAPQ"=>"STRMADMIN" text, Propagation Sender icon, Status enabled, "Waiting on empty queue" text, blank, 2, 7987, and "DB2.EXAMPLE.COM" link. The values of row 13 are: Unselected, ""STRMADMIN"."DB2$CAPQ"@DB2.EXAMPLE." text, Propagation Receiver icon, Status enabled, "Waiting for message from propagation sender" text, blank, blank, blank, and "DB1.EXAMPLE.COM" link. The values of row 14 are: Unselected, ""STRMADMIN"."DB2$APPQ"" text, Queue icon, Status enabled, "Enqueue enabled, Dequeue enabled" text, blank, blank, 7510, and "DB1.EXAMPLE.COM" link. The values of row 15 are: Unselected, "APPLY$_DB2_2" text, Apply Process icon, Status enabled, "DEQUEUE MESSAGES" text, blank, 3, 9561, and "DB1.EXAMPLE.COM" link.
At the bottom of the table there is an Action control with "Edit Parameters" selected and a Go button.