This screenshot shows the View Capture Statistics page. The top right-hand corner has a refresh control that includes:
The text "June 22, 2009 1:05:04 PM PDT"
A Refresh button
A View Data list with "Manually" selected
Below the refresh control are a Queue Statistics line chart, a Message Statistics line chart, and a Capture Statistics section.
A Queue Statistics line chart is shown. The x-axis shows the Number of Messages. The x-coordinates range from 0 to 1. The y-axis shows Time. The y-coordinates range from 1:08 PM to after 12PM on June 22 2009. The following types of information are plotted in the chart: No of Spilled Messages and No of Enqueued Messages. The chart indicates that both of these values are about zero over the time period.
A Message Statistics line chart is shown. The x-axis shows the Number of Messages. The x-coordinates range from 0 to 750,000. The y-axis shows Time. The y-coordinates range from 1:08 PM to after 12PM on June 22 2009. The following types of information are plotted in the chart: Total Messages Enqueued and Total Messages Captured. The chart indicates that Total Messages Enqueued ranges from about 150,000 to 200,000 over the time period and that Total Messages Captured ranges from 500,000 to 600,000 over the time period.
The Capture Statistics section includes:
A State field with "CAPTURING CHANGES" displayed
A Mode field with "Combined Capture and Apply" displayed
A Capture Time field with "June 22, 2009 12:47:20 PM PDT" displayed
An Enqueue Time field with "June 22, 2009 12:47:20 PM PDT" displayed
A Startup Time field with "June 19, 2009 10:4:53 PM PDT" displayed
An Elapsed Capture Time (ms) field with "26665972" displayed
An Elapsed Rule Time (ms) field with "28" displayed
An Elapsed LCR Time (ms) field with "7724" displayed
A Session ID field with "64" link displayed
A Serial Number field with "1" displayed
A Capture Process Number field with "1" displayed
An Apply Name field with "APPLY$_DB2_2" displayed
An Apply DB Link field with "DB1.EXAMPLE.COM" displayed
A Messages Sent to Apply field with "0" displayed
A Bytes Sent to Apply field with "0" displayed
A Total Messages Captured field with "612877" displayed
A Captured Message Number field with "1227216" displayed
A Captured Message Create Time field with "June 22, 2009 12:47:16 PM PDT" displayed
An Available Message Number field with "1236084" displayed
An Available Message Create Time field with "June 22, 2009 1:04:59 PM PDT" displayed
A Total Messages Enqueued field with "222287" displayed
An Enqueued Message Number field with "1227216" displayed
An Enqueued Message Create Time field with "June 22, 2009 12:47:16 PM PDT" displayed