This is a screenshot of the Top Activity page. An active sessions graph takes up the entire top half of the page. This graph measures activity for the following categories: Other, Queueing, Network, Administrative, Configuration, Commit, Application, Concurrency, System I/O, User I/O, Scheduler, and CPU + CPU Wait.

At the lower left corner of the page is a Top SQL table, which, for each statement, shows Activity percent as a horizontal bar graph. The columns in this table are Select, Activity (%), SQL ID, and SQL Type. The table is currently showing the top 10 statements, 5 of which have the SQL Type of SELECT, two statements have the SQL Type of PL/SQL EXECUTE, two statements have the SQL Type of DELETE, and one statement has UPDATE for the SQL Type. All of the statements show have an activity percent of between 2 and 6.16 %, except for the first two statements, which have 47.80 percent and 14.87 percent (and are both SELECT statements).

At the lower right corner of the page is a Top Sessions table. The table has 4 columns, named Activity (%), Session ID, QC Session ID, User Name, and Program. For each session, the table shows Activity percent as a horizontal bar graph. There are 10 sessions displayed in the table. The first 4 sessions in the table have the same activity percent (11.45) and are for the sqlplus@dbhost01 (TNS V1-V3) program. The next highest session is for the program oracle@stadh43 (CKPT), with 28.57 percent. The fifth and sixth highest sessions are for the OMS program, with 1.89 percent and 1.35 percent. The other sessions listed, for the programs oracle@dbhost01 (LGWR), oracle@dbhost01 (P003), oracle@dbhost01 (P001), and oracle@dbhost01 (M001), all have approximately 1 percent activity.

Both above and below the Top SQL table on the left is a drop-down list labeled Action, with the value Schedule SQL Tuning Advisor currently selected. Next to this drop-down list is a Go button. At the top of the Top SQL table are two hyperlinks: Select All and Select None. Below the Top SQL table is the text "Total Sample Count: 1,251".

At the top of the Top Sessions table is a drop-down list labeled View, with the value Top Sessions currently selected. Above the Top Sessions table, on the right-hand side, is a button labeled Run ASH Report. Below the Top Sessions table on the right-hand side is the text "Total Sample Count: 2,595". Above this table is a button labeled Run ASH Report.

End of description.