The SQL Performance Analyzer Task Report: IMMCHAN.SPA_GUIDED_WORKFLOW page is shown.

In the summary at the top of the page, the SQL Tuning Set Name is STS_CURSOR_CACHE. The STS Owner is IMMCHAN. The Total SQL Statements field shows 1,134. The SQL Statements With Errors field shows 331. The SQL Statements Unsupported shows 15. The SQL Trial 1 shows SQL_TRIAL_1241213421833. The SQL Trial 2 shows SQL_TRIAL_1241213881923. The Comparison Metric is Elapsed Time. The SQL Statements With Timeout is 0.

Below the summary is the Global Statistics section, which includes two bar charts.

The chart on the left is labeled Projected Workload Elapsed Time. It has a y-axis labeled Elapsed Time (sec). The y-axis values range from 0 to 20. The x-axis values are SQL Trial 1 (blue) and SQL Trial 2 (orange). The y-axis value of SQL Trial 1 (blue) is 14.244. The y-axis value of SQL Trial 2 (orange) is 11.877. The Improvement Impact is 20%. The Regression Impact is -2%. The Overall Impact is 17%.

The chart on the right is labeled SQL Statement Count. The y-axis is labeled SQL Count and ranges from 0 to 1,200. The x-axis is labeled Change in Elapsed Time. The x-axis has the following values: Improved, Regressed, and Unchanged. The bar for Improved has a y-axis value of 0. The bar for Regressed has a y-axis value of 0. The bar for Unchanged is green and has a y-axis value of 782, which represents Plan Unchanged. There are no bars colored orange, which represents Plans Changed.

To the right of the SQL Statement Count chart is the Recommendations section. The text reads "Explore alternate execution plans using SQL Tuning Advisor" The Run SQL Tuning Advisor button is shown.

Below the Global Statistics section is the Top 10 SQL Statements Based on Impact on Workload section. The table contains the following columns: null, SQL ID, Net Impact on Workload (%), Elapsed Time SQL Trial 1, Elapsed Time SQL Trial 2, Net Impact on SQL (%), New Plan.

End of description.