The General Connection Attributes tab of the TimesTen ODBC Setup dialog box has a column of check-boxes on the left: DS-Level Locking, Durable Commits, Wait for Connect (checked), Private Commands, Match Log Opts.

These fields are on the right side: UserID, PWD Crypt. Below the fields is the Diagnostics field. "1" appears in Diagnostics.

These drop-down lists are on the left below the check-boxes: DDL Commit Behavior and Isolation. DDL Commit Behavior is set to 0 - Implicit Commit.

Below the drop-down lists are the following fields: Query Threshold (secs), Query Timeout (secs) and Lock Wait (secs.#). "10.0" appears in Lock Wait.

The Low Memory Warning Thresholds section is on the lower right side. It contains two fields: Permanent Data (%) and Temporary Data (%).

The following buttons appear at the bottom of the dialog box: OK, Cancel, Default, Help.