Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference Release 11.2.1 Part Number E13069-03 |
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TimesTen built-in procedures extend standard ODBC and JDBC functionality. You can invoke these procedures using the ODBC or JDBC procedure call interface. The procedure takes the position of the SQL statement, as illustrated in the following examples.
The following ODBC call tells the optimizer that it should not generate temporary hash indexes when preparing commands:
SQLExecDirect (hstmt, (SQLCHAR*) "{CALL ttOptSetFlag ('TmpHash', 0)}", SQL_NTS);
This is the equivalent JDBC call:
CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall ("{CALL ttOptSetFlag ('TmpHash', 0)}"); cstmt.execute();
String parameter values for built-in procedures must be single-quoted as indicated in these examples, unless the value is NULL.