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Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference
Release 11.2.1

Part Number E13069-03
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The ttTraceMon utility lets you enable and disable the TimesTen internal tracing facilities.

Tracing options can be enabled and disabled separately for each data store. Each data store contains a trace buffer into which messages describing TimesTen internal operations can be written. By default, tracing is disabled. However, it can be enabled using this utility.

The ttTraceMon utility provides subcommands to enable, disable, dump and manipulate trace information. ttTraceMon can be executed interactively (multiple subcommands can be entered at a prompt) or not interactively (one subcommand can be specified on the ttTraceMon command line).

When executed interactively, ttTraceMon prompts for lines of text from standard input and interprets the lines as trace commands. You can provide multiple trace commands on the same line by separating them with semicolons. To exit ttTraceMon, enter a blank line.

In interactive mode, you can redirect ttTraceMon command output to a file:

ttTraceMon connection_string >filename

Component names are case-insensitive. Some commands (dump, show and flush) allow you to list many components and operate on each one. For each subcommand, if you do not list components, the utility operates on all components.

For a description of the components available through this utility and a description of the information that ttTraceMon returns for each, see "Using the ttTraceMon utility" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.

Required privilege

This utility requires the ADMIN privilege.


ttTraceMon {-h | -help | -?}
ttTraceMon {-V | -version}
ttTraceMon [-e subcommand] {-connStr connection_string | DSN}


ttTraceMon has the options:

Option Description
-connStr connection_string An ODBC connection string containing the name of the data store, the server name and DSN (if necessary) and any relevant connection attributes.
DSN Indicates the ODBC data source name of the data store from which to get trace information.
-e subcommand Causes the subcommand to be executed against the specified data store. If the subcommand consists of more than one word, enclose it in double quotes. For example:
ttTraceMon -e "show err" SalesData

Once the subcommand is complete, ttTraceMon exits. If -e is not specified, ttTraceMon starts in interactive mode, reading commands from stdin and displaying results to stdout.




Prints a usage message and exits.
-V | -version Prints the release number of ttTraceMon and exits.


ttTraceMon can be called with the following subcommands:

Command Description
components List the names and internal identifiers of all components.

For a description of the components available through this utility and a description of the information that ttTraceMon returns for each, see "Using the ttTraceMon utility" in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Troubleshooting Procedures Guide.

connection {all | self | connectionNum} [on |off] Turn tracing on/off for specified connection. At data store creation, tracing is "on" for all connections. The value for connectionNum is the connection slot number or the first number in the transaction ID.
dump Prints all trace records currently buffered.Requires SELECT privileges or data store object ownership.
dump comp Prints all trace records for component comp.Requires SELECT privileges or data store object ownership.
flush Discards all buffered trace records.
flush comp Discards all buffered trace records for component comp.
help Prints a summary of the trace commands.
level comp n Sets the trace level for component comp to n.Requires ADMIN privileges or data store object ownership.
outfile file Prints trace output to the specified file. The file may be any of 0, stdout, stderr, or a file name. On Windows, the file name must be in short 8.3 format. Printing is turned off when file is 0. TimesTen continues to buffer traces as usual, and they are accessible through other utilities like ttTail. If no file is specified, prints the current outfile setting.
show Shows all the trace levels in force.
show comp Shows the trace level for component comp.


Because tracing can degrade performance significantly, we recommend that you enable tracing only to debug problems. While primarily intended for use by TimesTen customer support, this information may be useful to system administrators and developers.

This utility is supported only where the TimesTen Data Manager is installed.