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Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference
Release 11.2.1

Part Number E13069-03
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The ttXactAdmin utility lists ownership, status, log and lock information for each outstanding transaction. The ttXactAdmin utility also allows you to heuristically commit, abort or forget an XA transaction branch.

Required privilege

This utility requires various privileges depending on which options are entered on the command line. See the description of the options to determine what privilege is needed, if any.


ttXactAdmin {-h | -help | -?}
ttXactAdmin {-V | -version}
ttXactAdmin [-v verbosity] [-lsn] [-mt maxTrans] [-ml maxLocks] [-pid pid]  [-xact xid] [-tbl [owner.]tableName][-row rowid] [-interval seconds] [-count iterations] {DSN | -connstr connectionString}
ttXactAdmin -latch [-interval seconds] [-count iterations] {DSN | -connstr connStr}
ttXactAdmin -latchstats clear | off |on | [show] [-interval seconds]  [-count iterations] {DSN | -connstr connectionString}
ttXactAdmin -connections [-pid pid] [-interval seconds] [-count iterations] {DSN | -connstr connStr}
ttXactAdmin -xactIdRollback xid {DSN | -connstr connStr}
ttXactAdmin {-HCommit xid | -HAbort xid | -HForget xid} {DSN | -connstr connStr}


ttXactAdmin has the options:

Option Description
-connections Shows all current connections to the data store. When run with the -connections option, ttXactAdmin itself does not establish a true connection to the data store, and requires no latches. This can be useful when diagnosing frozen systems.

This option requires ADMIN privileges.

-connStr connectionString An ODBC connection string containing the name of the data store, the server name and DSN (if necessary) and any relevant connection attributes.
-count iterations Generate the report iterations times. If no-interval option is specified, an interval of 1 second is used.
DSN Indicates the ODBC data source name of the data store to be administered.



Prints a usage message and exits.
-HAbort xid Heuristically abort an XA transaction branch in TimesTen. The specified transaction ID must be the local TimesTen TransID.

This option requires ADMIN privileges or ownership of the specified transactions.

-HCommit xid Heuristically commit an XA transaction branch in TimesTen. The specified transaction ID must be the local TimesTen TransID.

This option requires ADMIN privileges or ownership of the specified transactions.

-HForget xid Heuristically forget an XA transaction branch in TimesTen. The specified transaction ID must be the local TimesTen TransID.

This option requires ADMIN privileges or ownership of the specified transactions.

-interval seconds Repeat the generation of the report, pausing the indicated number of seconds between each generation. If no -count option is specified, repeat forever.
-latch This option is to be used by TimesTen Customer Support only. Shows only the latch information for the data store specified.
-latchstats[clear | off | on | show] This option is to be used by TimesTen Customer Support only. Performs the requested latchstat operation.

This option requires ADMIN privileges.

All other options are ignored when -latchstats is used.

clear - Resets all latchstat information to zero.

off - Turns off collection of latchstats.

on - Turns on collection of latchstats.

show - Shows the latch information, including access counts and other stats. Default, if no operation is specified.

-ml maxLocks Maximum number of locks per transaction. Default is 6000.
-mt maxTrans Specifies the maximum number of transactions to be displayed. The default is all outstanding transactions.
-pid pid Displays only transactions started by the process with the specified pid. On Linux, it is the pid of the thread that opens the connection.

This option requires ADMIN privileges or ownership of the specified transactions.

-row rowid Displays lock information for the specified row.

This option requires ADMIN privileges or data store object ownership.

-tbl [owner.]tableName Displays lock information for the specified table.

This option requires ADMIN privileges or ownership of the specified table.

-V | -version Prints the release number of ttXactAdmin and exits.
-v verbosity Specifies the verbosity level. One of:0-does not display the names of the tables for row locks. In this case, ttXactAdmin runs faster.1-(the default) displays the names of the tables for row locks.
-xact xid Displays the logical ID and physical ID of log records for the specified transaction. The log record identifiers of the specified transaction are automatically included in the output.

This option requires ADMIN privileges or ownership of the specified transactions.

-xactIdRollback xid Allows you to roll back a transaction. This may be particularly useful for long running transactions. This parameter xid represents the transaction ID.This stops any currently executing operations on behalf of that transaction and then rolls back the transaction in TimesTen.

If there is currently a checkpoint in process when the rollback is requested, TimesTen terminates the checkpoint operation.This command does not stop IMDB Cache operations on Oracle. Operations include passthrough statements, flushing, manual loading, manual refreshing, synchronous writethrough, propagating, and transparent loading.

This option requires ADMIN privileges or ownership of the specified transactions.


ttXactAdmin produces the following output:

Column Description
Program File Name The executable file name of the process that owns the transaction
PID The process ID of the application that owns the transaction. On Linux, the PID of the thread that opens the connection.
Context The internal identifier that distinguishes between multiple connections to the data store made by a single multithreaded process.
TransId The unique identifier for the transaction used internally by TimesTen. The identifier has two parts.

The first part is a relatively small value (less than 2048), used to discriminate between transactions that are active at the same time.

The second part is a potentially large value (an unsigned integer), and is used to discriminate between successive uses of the same first part. (The value wraps around if necessary.) Thus, identifiers 4.100 and 4.200 cannot be present at the same time. If 4.100 is seen, and then 4.200, this indicates that transaction 4.100 has completed (committed or rolled back).

TransStatus Current status of the transaction, one of:
  • Active - Active transaction

  • Committing - Committing transaction, locks are being released.

  • Ckpointing - A transaction doing checkpoint.

  • Rep-Wait-Return - Replicated transaction waiting Return Receipt/Commit.

  • Idle - A transaction branch currently not accessing data.

  • Prepared - Prepared transaction branch.

  • Heur-Committed - Heuristically committed transaction branch.

  • Heur-Aborted - Heuristically aborted transaction branch.

  • Propagating - TimesTen transaction waiting for Oracle to commit.

Resource The type of the lock being requested:
  • Row - Row-level lock.

  • HashedKey - A lock held on a key value of a hash index; acquired when an operation requires a hash index to be updated.

  • Table - Table-level lock.

  • EndScan - End of table or range scan lock.

  • Database - Data store-level lock.

  • Command - Command lock.

  • Prepare - Lock acquired while preparing commands.

  • GrpComm - Group commit lock.

  • ReplHold - Lock for replication hold.

  • XlaHold - Lock for XLA hold.

ResourceId A unique identifier of each unique resource. The identifier is displayed in hexadecimal format with a few exception. Table and CompCmd are shown as decimal values. Row locks are shown in the ROWID character format.
Mode A value used to determine the level of concurrency that the lock provides:

S - Shared lock in serializable isolation.

Sn - Shared lock in non-serializable isolation

.U - Update lock in serializable isolation.

Un - Update lock in non-serializable isolation.

En - End-of-scan lock for non-serializable isolation.

IRC - Intention shared lock in non-serializable isolation.

IS - Intention shared lock in serializable isolation

IU - Intention update lock in serializable isolation

IUn - Intention update lock in non-serializable isolationIX - Intention exclusive lock in serializable isolation

IXn - Intention exclusive lock non-serializable isolation

SIX - Shared lock with intent to set an exclusive lock in serializable isolation.

SIXn - Shared lock with intent to set an exclusive lock non-serializable isolation.

X - Exclusive lock.

Xn - Exclusive lock in non-serializable isolation.

W - Update, insert or delete table lock.

XNi - Next lock for inserting into tables or non-unique index

NS - Table lock in read-committed isolation that conflicts with all table locks in serializable isolationLock "0" means the blocker is still in the waiting list.

HMode The mode in which the competing transaction is holding the lock which the waiting transaction is requesting.

See "Mode" in this table for concurrency level descriptions.

RMode Shows the mode in which the waiting transaction has requested to hold the lock. See "Mode" in this table for concurrency level descriptions.
HolderTransId The identifier of the transaction with which the waiting transaction is in contention.
Name The name of the table that the lock is being held on or within.


The following command displays all locks in the data store:

ttXactAdmin -connstr DSN=demodata

Outstanding locks

PID   Context  TransId     TransStatus Resource  ResourceId         Mode Name
Program File Name: localtest
10546 0x118e28 2047.000003 Active      Table     411104             IS  SYS.TABLES
                                       Table     416480             IXn TEST1.TAB1
                                       Row       BMUFVUAAABQAAAAGTD Sn  SYS.TABLES
                                       Hashed Key 0x69cf9c36        Sn  SYS.TABLES
                                       Database   0x01312d00        IX
                                       Row       BMUFVUAAABQAAAAGzD Xn  TEST1.TAB1
Program File Name: /users/smith/demo/XAtest1
XA-XID: 0xbea1-001b238716dc35a7425-64280531947e1657380c5b8d
1817 0x118e28 2046.000004 Active       Table    416480              IS  TEST1.TAB1
                                       CompCmd  21662408            S
                                       Database 20000000            IS
                                       Row      BMUFVUAAABQAAAAJzD  Sn  TEST1.TAB1
Program File Name: /users/smith/demo/XAtest2
XA-XID: 0xbea1-001c99476cf9b21e85e1-70657473746f7265506f6f6c
27317 0x118e28 2045.000005 Prepared    Table  411104             IS   SYS.TABLES
                                       Table  416816             IXn  TEST1.TAB2
                                       Row    BMUFVUAAABQAAAAMzD Sn   SYS.TABLES
                                       Database   0x01312d00     IX
                                       Hashed Key 0x67fe3852     Sn   SYS.TABLES
                                       Row    BMUFVUAAABQAAAAHTE Xn   TEST1.TAB2
Program File Name: /users/smith/demo/Reptest
27589 0x118e28 2044.000006 Rep-Wait-Return
Awaiting locks
PID  Context  TransId     Resource ResourceId RMode HolderTransId HMode Name
Program File Name: /users/smith/demo/XAtest1
1817 0x118e28 2046.000004 Row BMUFVUAAABQAAAAPTD  Sn  2047.000003   Xn  TEST1.TAB1

The following command displays all locks for transaction 2045.000005:

ttXactAdmin -xact 2045.000005 -connstr DSN=demodata
PID   Context  TransStatus 1stLSN    LastLSN  Resource ResourceId Mode Name
Program File Name: /users/smith/demo/XAtest2
XA-XID: 0xbea1-001c99476cf9b21e85e1-70657473746f7265506f6f6c 
27317 0x118e28 Prepared    0.0116404 0.0116452 Table 411104         IS  SYS.TABLES
                                             Table   416816         IXn TEST1.TAB2
                                             Row BMUFVUAAABQAAAAGzE Sn  SYS.TABLES
                                             Database 0x01312d00    IXn
                                             Hashed Key 0x67fe3852  Sn SYS.TABLES
                                             Row BMUFVUAAABQAAAAKzE Xn TEST1.TAB2

To display all the connections to the data store:

$ ttXactAdmin -connections sample
2006-09-10 10:26:33
TimesTen Release

ID   PID    Context            Name           Program        State TransID UID
1    29508  0x00000001001c6680 myconnection   ttIsql         Run   1.23    TERRY
2044 29505  0x0000000100165290 Worker         timestensubd   Run           TERRY
2045 29505  0x00000001001df190 Flusher        timestensubd   Run           TERRY
2046 29505  0x000000010021cc50 Monitor        timestensubd   Run           TERRY
2047 29505  0x0000000100206730 Checkpoint     timestensubd   Run           TERRY
    5 connections found


If the transaction specified in the command is not an XA transaction branch but a TimesTen local transaction, no XA-XID are displayed. The XA-XID is a C structure that contains a format identifier, two length fields and a data field. The data field consists of at most two contiguous components: a global transaction identifier (gtrid) and a branch qualifier (bqual). The two length fields specify the number of bytes (1-64) in gtrid and bqual respectively. For more details, refer to the X/Open publication: Distributed Transaction Processing: The XA Specification (c193).

Under RMode, awaiting transactions are sorted by PID and Context. The listing does not reflect the order of the lock requests.

A lock request with an RMode compatible with the HMode of the lock holder can be waiting because there is another lock request with an incompatible mode ahead of the compatible request in the lock request queue.