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Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference
Release 11.2.1

Part Number E13069-03
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3 Utilities

The following sections provide reference information and examples for TimesTen utilities.


The options for TimesTen utilities are generally not case sensitive, with the exception of single character options. You can use -connstr or -connStr interchangeably. However -v and -V are each unique options.

All utilities return 0 for success and 1 if an error occurs.


The utility name and options listed in this chapter are case-insensitive. They are described in mixed case to make the examples and syntax descriptions easier to read.

Required authentication and authorization for utilities

The following sections describe the authentication and authorization required for utilities:

Required user authentication for utilities

All utilities that require a password prompt for one.

If a UID attribute is given but no PWD attribute is given, either through a connection string or in the ODBCINI file for the specified DSN, TimesTen prompts for a password. When explicitly prompted, input is not displayed on the command line.

A password given on the command line, before TimesTen prompts for the password, is visible to the ps command, so use of the PWD attribute is not recommended in the first call to the utility. For example, the following command is not recommended:

% ttIsql -connStr "DSN=mydsn;UID=terry;PWD=secret"

Generally, when no UID attribute is given, the UID is assumed to be the user name identified by the operating system, and TimesTen does not prompt for a password.

When a utility accepts a DSN, connection string or data store path as a parameter, specify the value at the end of the command line.

Required privileges for executing utilities

Certain TimesTen command-line utilities require privileges. Each utility in this chapter describes the privilege required for execution. You may receive a "database not loaded" error if you try to execute any utility with a user other than the instance administrator and the database is not loaded into memory. In this case, we cannot determine the privileges of the user. Thus any utilities requiring privileges have to be run either as the instance administrator or executed while the database is loaded.