Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database PL/SQL Developer's Guide Release 11.2.1 Part Number E13076-02 |
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This chapter explores the flexible error trapping and error handling you can use in your PL/SQL programs.
For more information on error-handling and exceptions in PL/SQL, see "Handling PL/SQL Errors" in Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference
See the end of this chapter for TimesTen-specific considerations.
The following topics are covered:
This section provides an overview of exceptions in PL/SQL programming, covering the following topics:
An exception is a PL/SQL error that is raised during program execution, either implicitly by TimesTen or explicitly by your program. Handle an exception by trapping it with a handler or propagating it to the calling environment.
For example, if your SELECT statement returns more than one row, TimesTen returns an error (exception) at runtime. As the following example shows, you would see TimesTen error 8507, then the associated ORA error message. (ORA messages, originally defined for Oracle Database, are similarly implemented by TimesTen.)
Command> DECLARE > v_lname VARCHAR2 (15); > BEGIN > SELECT last_name INTO v_lname > FROM employees > WHERE first_name = 'John'; > DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Last name is :' || v_lname); > END; > / 8507: ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows 8507: ORA-06512: at line 4 The command failed.
You can handle such exceptions in your PL/SQL block so that your program completes successfully. For example:
Command> DECLARE > v_lname VARCHAR2 (15); > BEGIN > SELECT last_name INTO v_lname > FROM employees > WHERE first_name = 'John'; > DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Last name is :' || v_lname); > EXCEPTION > WHEN TOO_MANY_ROWS THEN > DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (' Your SELECT statement retrieved multiple > rows. Consider using a cursor.'); > END; > / Your SELECT statement retrieved multiple rows. Consider using a cursor. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
There are three types of exceptions:
Predefined exceptions are error conditions that are defined by PL/SQL.
Non-predefined exceptions include any standard TimesTen errors.
User-defined exceptions are exceptions specific to your application.
In TimesTen, these three types of exceptions are used in the same way as in Oracle.
Exception | Description | How to handle |
Predefined TimesTen error | One of approximately 20 errors that occur most often in PL/SQL code | You are not required to declare these exceptions. They are predefined by TimesTen. TimesTen implicitly raises the error. |
Non-predefined TimesTen error | Any other standard TimesTen error | Must be declared in the declarative section of your application. TimesTen implicitly raises the error and you can use an exception handler to catch the error. |
User-defined error | Error defined and raised by the application | Must be declared in the declarative section. Developer raises the exception explicitly. |
This section describes how to trap predefined TimesTen errors or user-defined errors.
Trap a predefined TimesTen error by referencing its predefined name in your exception-handling routine. PL/SQL declares predefined exceptions in the STANDARD package.
Table 4-1 lists predefined exceptions supported by TimesTen, the associated ORA error numbers and SQLCODE values, and descriptions of the exceptions.
Also see "Unsupported predefined errors".
Table 4-1 Predefined exceptions
Exception name | Oracle error number | SQLCODE | Description |
ORA-06530 |
-6530 |
Program attempted to assign values to the attributes of an uninitialized object. |
ORA-06592 |
-6592 |
None of the choices in the WHEN clauses of a CASE statement were selected and there is no ELSE clause. |
ORA-06531 |
-6531 |
Program attempted to apply collection methods other than EXISTS to an uninitialized nested table or varray, or program attempted to assign values to the elements of an uninitialized nested table or varray. |
ORA-06511 |
-6511 |
A program attempted to open an already opened cursor. |
ORA-00001 |
-1 |
A program attempted to insert duplicate values in a column that is constrained by a unique index. |
ORA-01001 |
-1001 |
Illegal cursor operation. |
ORA-01722 |
-1722 |
Conversion of character string to number failed. |
ORA-01403 |
+100 |
Single row SELECT returned no rows or your program referenced a deleted element in a nested table or an uninitialized element in an associative array (index-by table). |
ORA-06501 |
-6501 |
PL/SQL has an internal problem. |
ORA-06504 |
-6504 |
Host cursor variable and PL/SQL cursor variable involved in an assignment statement have incompatible return types. |
ORA-06500 |
-6500 |
PL/SQL ran out of memory or memory was corrupted. |
ORA-06533 |
-6533 |
A program referenced a nested table or varray using an index number larger than the number of elements in the collection. |
ORA-06532 |
-6532 |
A program referenced a nested table or varray element using an index number that is outside the legal range (for example, -1). |
ORA-01410 |
-1410 |
The conversion of a character string into a universal ROWID failed because the character string does not represent a value ROWID. |
ORA-01422 |
-1422 |
Single row SELECT returned more than one row. |
ORA-06502 |
-6502 |
An arithmetic, conversion, truncation, or size constraint error occurred. |
ORA-01476 |
-1476 |
A program attempted to divide a number by zero. |
Example 4-1 Using the ZERO_DIVIDE predefined exception
In this example, a PL/SQL program attempts to divide by 0. The ZERO_DIVIDE predefined exception is used to trap the error in an exception-handling routine.
Command> DECLARE v_invalid PLS_INTEGER; > BEGIN > v_invalid := 100/0; > EXCEPTION > WHEN ZERO_DIVIDE THEN > DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Attempt to divide by 0'); > END; > / Attempt to divide by 0 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
PL/SQL in TimesTen allows you to define your own exceptions. You can raise user-defined exceptions explicitly with either the PL/SQL RAISE statement or the RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure.
The RAISE statement stops normal execution of a PL/SQL block or subprogram and transfers control to an exception handler. RAISE statements can raise predefined exceptions, or user-defined exceptions whose names you decide.
Example 4-2 Using RAISE statement to trap user-defined exception
In this example, the department number 500 does not exist, so no rows are updated in the departments
table. The RAISE statement is used to explicitly raise an exception and display an error message, returned by the SQLERRM built-in function, and an error code, returned by the SQLCODE built-in function. Use the RAISE statement by itself within an exception handler to raise the same exception again and propagate it back to the calling environment:
Command> DECLARE > v_deptno NUMBER := 500; > v_name VARCHAR2 (20) := 'Testing'; > e_invalid_dept EXCEPTION; > BEGIN > UPDATE departments > SET department_name = v_name > WHERE department_id = v_deptno; > IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN > RAISE e_invalid_dept; > END IF; > ROLLBACK; > EXCEPTION > WHEN e_invalid_dept THEN > DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('No such department'); > DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (SQLERRM); > DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (SQLCODE); > END; > / No such department User-Defined Exception 1 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. The command succeeded.
Given the same error condition in TimesTen and Oracle, SQLCODE will return the same error code, but SQLERRM will not necessarily return the same error message. This is also noted in "TimesTen error messages and SQL codes".Use the RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure in either the executable section or the exception section of your PL/SQL program or both. TimesTen reports errors to your application so you can avoid returning unhandled exceptions.
Use an error number between -20,000 and -20,999. Specify a character string up to 2,048 bytes for your message.
Example 4-3 Using the RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure
This example attempts to delete from the employees
table where last_name=Patterson
. The RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR procedure raises the error, using error number -20201.
Command> DECLARE > v_last_name employees.last_name%TYPE := 'Patterson'; > BEGIN > DELETE FROM employees WHERE last_name = v_last_name; > IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN > RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (-20201, v_last_name || ' does not exist'); > END IF; > END; > / 8507: ORA-20201: Patterson does not exist 8507: ORA-06512: at line 6 The command failed.
You should be aware of some error-related behaviors that differ between TimesTen PL/SQL and Oracle PL/SQL:
TimesTen PL/SQL transaction and rollback behavior for unhandled exceptions
Possibility of runtime errors after clean compile (use of Oracle SQL parser)
TimesTen PL/SQL differs from Oracle PL/SQL in a scenario where an application executes PL/SQL in the middle of a transaction, and an unhandled exception occurs during execution of the PL/SQL. Oracle will roll back to the beginning of the anonymous block. TimesTen will not roll back.
An application should always handle any exception that results from execution of a PL/SQL block, as in the following example, run with autocommit disabled:
create table mytable (num int not null primary key); set serveroutput on insert into mytable values(1); begin insert into mytable values(2); insert into mytable values(1); exception when dup_val_on_index then dbms_output.put_line('oops:' || sqlerrm); rollback; end; / select * from mytable; commit;
The second INSERT will fail because values must be unique, so there will be an exception and the program will perform a rollback. Running this in TimesTen results in the following.
oops:TT0907: Unique constraint (MYTABLE) violated at Rowid <BMUFVUAAABQAAAADjq> PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. select * from mytable; 0 rows found.
The result is equivalent in Oracle, with the SELECT showing no rows.
Now consider a TimesTen example where the exception is not handled, again run with autocommit disabled:
create table mytable (num int not null primary key); set serveroutput on insert into mytable values(1); begin insert into mytable values(2); insert into mytable values(1); end; / select * from mytable; commit;
In TimesTen, the SELECT will indicate execution of the first two INSERTs:
907: Unique constraint (MYTABLE) violated at Rowid <BMUFVUAAABQAAAADjq> 8507: ORA-06512: at line 3 The command failed. select * from mytable; < 1 > < 2 > 2 rows found.
If you execute this in Oracle, there will be a rollback to the beginning of the PL/SQL block, so the SELECT will indicate execution of only the first INSERT:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYSTEM.SYS_C004423) violated ORA-06512: at line 3 NUM ---------- 1
If there is an unhandled exception in a PL/SQL block, TimesTen leaves the transaction open only to allow the application to assess its state and determine appropriate action.
An application in TimesTen should not execute a PL/SQL block while there are uncommitted changes in the current transaction, unless those changes together with the PL/SQL operations really do constitute a single logical unit of work and the application will be able to determine appropriate action. Such action, for example, might consist of a rollback to the beginning of the transaction.
If autocommit is enabled and an unhandled exception occurs in TimesTen, the entire transaction will be rolled back.
Given the same error condition, TimesTen does not guarantee that the error message returned by TimesTen will be the same as the message returned by Oracle, although the SQL code will be the same. Therefore, the information returned by the SQLERRM function may be different, but that returned by the SQLCODE function will be the same.
For further information:
Example 4-2, "Using RAISE statement to trap user-defined exception" uses SQLERRM and SQLCODE.
Refer to "Warnings and Errors" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Error Messages and SNMP Traps for information about specific TimesTen error messages.
Refer to "SQLERRM Function" and "SQLCODE Function" in Oracle Database PL/SQL Language Reference for general (as well as Oracle-specific) information.
Oracle Database does not have the concept of runtime warnings, so Oracle PL/SQL does not support the concept of runtime warnings.
TimesTen In-Memory Database does have the concept of warnings, but because the TimesTen PL/SQL implementation is based on the Oracle PL/SQL implementation, TimesTen PL/SQL does not support warnings.
As a result, in TimesTen you could execute a SQL statement and see a resulting warning, but if you execute the same statement through PL/SQL you will not see the warning.
"Trapping predefined TimesTen errors" lists predefined exceptions supported by TimesTen, the associated ORA error numbers and SQLCODE values, and descriptions of the exceptions.
Table 4-2 notes predefined exceptions that are not supported by TimesTen.
Table 4-2 Predefined exceptions not supported by TimesTen
Exception name | Oracle error number | SQLCODE | Description |
ORA-01017 |
-1017 |
Invalid user name and password. |
ORA-01012 |
-1012 |
A program issued a database call without being connected to the database. |
ORA-30625 |
-30625 |
A program attempted to invoke a MEMBER method, but the instance of the object was not initialized. |
ORA-00051 |
-51 |
A timeout occurred while the database is waiting for a resource. |
The TimesTen PL/SQL implementation uses the Oracle SQL parser in compiling PL/SQL programs. As a result, if your program uses Oracle syntax or Oracle built-ins that are not supported by TimesTen, the issue will not be discovered during compilation. A runtime error would occur during program execution, however.