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Oracle® Database Administrator's Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10595-04
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Scheduler Reference

This section contains reference information for Oracle Scheduler. It contains the following topics:

Scheduler Privileges

Table 29-2, "Scheduler System Privileges" and Table 29-3, "Scheduler Object Privileges" describe the various Scheduler privileges.

Table 29-2 Scheduler System Privileges

Privilege Name Operations Authorized


This privilege enables you to create jobs, chains, schedules, programs, file watchers, credentials, destinations, and groups in your own schema. You can always alter and drop these objects in your own schema, even if you do not have the CREATE JOB privilege. In this case, the object would have been created in your schema by another user with the CREATE ANY JOB privilege.


This privilege enables you to create, alter, and drop jobs, chains, schedules, programs, file watchers, credentials, destinations, and groups in any schema except SYS. This privilege is extremely powerful and should be used with care because it allows the grantee to execute any PL/SQL code as any other database user.


This privilege is required to create jobs that run outside of the database. Owners of jobs of type 'EXECUTABLE' or jobs that point to programs of type 'EXECUTABLE' require this privilege. To run a job of type 'EXECUTABLE', you must have this privilege and the CREATE JOB privilege. This privilege is also required to retrieve files from a remote host and to save files to one or more remote hosts.


This privilege enables your jobs to use programs or chains from any schema.


This privilege enables your jobs to run under any job class.


This is the most important privilege for administering the Scheduler. It enables you to create, alter, and drop job classes, windows, and window groups, and to stop jobs with the force option. It also enables you to set and retrieve Scheduler attributes, purge Scheduler logs, and set the agent password for a database.

Table 29-3 Scheduler Object Privileges

Privilege Name Operations Authorized


You can grant object privileges on a group to other users by granting SELECT on the group.


You can grant this privilege only on programs, chains, file watchers, credentials, and job classes. The EXECUTE privilege enables you to reference the object in a job. It also enables you to view the object if the object is was not created in your schema.


This privilege enables you to alter or drop the object it is granted on. Altering includes such operations as enabling, disabling, defining or dropping program arguments, setting or resetting job argument values and running a job. Certain restricted attributes of jobs of job type EXECUTABLE cannot be altered using the ALTER object privilege. These include job_type, job_action, number_of_arguments, event_spec, and setting PL/SQL date functions as schedules.

For programs, jobs, chains, file watchers, and credentials, this privilege also enables schemas that do not own these objects to view them. This privilege can be granted on jobs, chains, programs, schedules, file watchers, and credentials. For other types of Scheduler objects, you must grant the MANAGE SCHEDULER system privilege.


This privilege authorizes operations allowed by all other object privileges possible for a given object. It can be granted on jobs, programs, chains, schedules, file watchers, credentials, and job classes.


No object privileges are required to use a destination object created by another user.

The SCHEDULER_ADMIN role is created with all of the system privileges shown in Table 29-2 (with the ADMIN option). The SCHEDULER_ADMIN role is granted to DBA (with the ADMIN option).

The following object privileges are granted to PUBLIC: SELECT ALL_SCHEDULER_* views, SELECT USER_SCHEDULER_* views, SELECT SYS.SCHEDULER$_JOBSUFFIX_S (for generating a job name), and EXECUTE SYS.DEFAULT_JOB_CLASS.

Scheduler Data Dictionary Views

You can check Scheduler information by using many views. An example is the following, which shows information for completed instances of my_job1:


JOB_NAME     STATUS           ERROR#
--------     --------------   ------
MY_JOB1      FAILURE           20000

Table 29-4 contains views associated with the Scheduler. The *_SCHEDULER_JOBS, *_SCHEDULER_SCHEDULES, *_SCHEDULER_PROGRAMS, *_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS, *_SCHEDULER_JOB_LOG, *_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS views are particularly useful for managing jobs. See Oracle Database Reference for details regarding Scheduler views.


In the following table, the asterisk at the beginning of a view name can be replaced with DBA, ALL, or USER.

Table 29-4 Scheduler Views

View Description

These views show all rules for all chains.


These views show all steps for all chains.


These views show all chains.


These views show all credentials.


These views show all database destinations.


These views show all destinations, both database and external.


These views show all external destinations.


These views show all file watchers.


These views show the current values of Scheduler attributes.


These views show all group members in all groups.


These views show all groups.


These views show all set argument values for all jobs.


These views show all job classes.


These views show the state of both local jobs and jobs at remote destinations, including child jobs of multiple-destination jobs. You obtain job destination IDs (job_dest_id) from these views.


These views show job runs and state changes, depending on the logging level set.


These views show all jobs by Oracle Data Guard database role.


These views show all completed (failed or successful) job runs.


These views show all jobs, enabled as well as disabled.


These views show all job state e-mail notifications.


These views show all arguments defined for all programs as well as the default values if they exist.


These views show all programs.


These views show all chains that are running.


These views show state information on all jobs that are currently being run.


These views show all schedules.


These views show all completed window runs.


These views show all window groups.


These views show all state changes made to windows.


These views show all windows.


These views show the members of all window groups, one row for each group member.