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Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference
Release 11.2.1

Part Number E13070-03
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The SIGN function returns the sign of Expression.

SQL syntax

SIGN (Expression)


SIGN has the parameter:

Parameter Description
Expression Operand or column can be any numeric data type.



These examples illustrate use of the SIGN function with different data types. Table signex has been created and the columns have been defined with different data types. First, describe the table signex to see the data types of the columns. Then select each column to retrieve values for that column. Use the SIGN function to return the sign for the column.

Command> DESCRIBE signex;

    COL1                            TT_INTEGER
    COL2                            TT_BIGINT
    COL3                            BINARY_FLOAT
    COL4                            NUMBER (3,2)

1 table found.
(primary key columns are indicated with *)
Command> SELECT col1 FROM signex;
< 10 >
< -10 >
< 0 >
3 rows found.
Command> SELECT SIGN (col1) FROM signex;
< 1 >
< -1 >
< 0 >
3 rows found.
Command> SELECT col2 FROM signex;
< 0 >
< -3 >
< 0 >
3 rows found.
Command> SELECT SIGN (col2) from signex;
< 0 >
< -1 >
< 0 >
3 rows found.
Command> SELECT col3 FROM signex;
< 3.500000 >
< -3.560000 >
< NAN >
3 rows found.
Command> SELECT SIGN (col3) from signex;
< 1 >
< -1 >
< 1 >
3 rows found.
Command> SELECT col4 FROM signex;
< 2.2 >
< -2.2 >
< 0 >
3 rows found.
Command> SELECT SIGN (col4) from signex;
< 1 >
< -1 >
< 0 >
3 rows found.