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Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference
Release 11.2.1

Part Number E13070-03
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ALL/NOT IN predicate (value list)

The ALL/NOT IN quantified predicate compares an expression or list of expressions with a list of specified values. The ALL predicate evaluates to TRUE if all the values in the ValueList relate to the expression or list of expressions as indicated by the comparison operator. Similarly, the NOT IN predicate evaluates to TRUE if the expression or list of expressions does not equal one of the values in the list.

SQL syntax

RowValueConstructor {CompOp ALL | NOT IN} ValueList

The syntax for RowValueConstructor:

RowValueConstructorElement | (RowValueConstuctorList) | 

The syntax for RowValueConstructorList:

RowValueConstructorElement[{, RowValueConstructorElement} ... ]

The syntax for RowValueConstructorElement:

Expression | NULL

The syntax for CompOp:

{= | <> | > | >= | < | <= }

The syntax for more than one element in the ValueList:

({Constant | ? | :DynamicParameter} [,...] )

The syntax for one element in the ValueList not enclosed in parentheses:

Constant | ? | :DynamicParameter

The syntax for an empty ValueList:

( )

The syntax for the ValueList for a list of expressions:

(({Constant | ? | :DynamicParameter} [,...]))


Component Description
Expression Specifies a value to be obtained. The values in ValueList must be compatible with the expression. For information on the syntax of expressions, see "Expression specification".
= Is equal to.
<> Is not equal to.
> Is greater than.
>= Is greater than or equal to.
< Is less than.
<= Is less than or equal to.
ALL The predicate is TRUE if all the values in the ValueList relate to the expression or list of expressions as indicated by the comparison operator.
ValueList A list of values that are compared against the expression's or list of expression's value. The ValueList cannot contain a column reference or a subquery. The ValueList can be nested if the left operand of the ValueList is a list.

Elements of the ValueList:

  • Constant—Indicates a specific value. See "Constants".

  • ?,:DynamicParameter—Placeholder for a dynamic parameter in a prepared SQL statement. The value of the dynamic parameter is supplied when the statement is executed.

  • Empty list, which are sometimes generated by SQL generation tools.



To query an empty select list for a NOT IN condition: