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Oracle® TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference
Release 11.2.1

Part Number E13070-03
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The PLAN table contains the execution plan that the TimesTen query optimizer prepares after an application calls ttOptSetFlag. See "Generating a query plan" and "Modifying plan generation" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide.

The execution plan includes the operation performed at each step and the table or index that it references.


Column name Type Description
STEP TT_INTEGER NOT NULL Ordinal number of the operation, starting at 1.
LEVEL TT_INTEGER NOT NULL Level of this operation in the plan tree.
OPERATION TT_CHAR (31) NOT NULL Type of operation, one of:

TblLkSerialScan -- full table scan

RowLkSerialScan -- full table scan

TblLkTtreeScan -- ttree scan

RowLkTtreeScan -- ttree scan

TblLkHashScan -- hash lookup

RowLkHashScan -- hash lookup

TblLkRowidScan -- rowid lookup

RowLkRowidScan -- rowid lookup

TblLkUpdate -- updates one or more rows

RowLkUpdate -- updates one or more rows

TblLkDelete -- deletes one or more rows

RowLkDelete -- deletes one or more rows

TblLkInsert -- inserts one or more rows

RowLkInsert -- inserts one or more rows

TmpTtreeScanTmpHashScan -- create a temporary index

NestedLoop [OuterJoin | SemiJoin] -- nested loop join (with optional outer join or semi-join)

MergeJoin -- merge join

OrderBy -- sorts rows (requires extra temp space)

SortedDistinct -- identifies distinct rows from a sorted list (requires minimal extra space)

Distinct -- identifies distinct rows from an

unsorted list (requires extra temporary space)

SortedGroupBy -- identifies distinct groups from a sorted list (requires minimal extra space)

GroupBy -- identifies distinct groups from an unsorted list (requires extra temp space)

TmpTable -- materializes intermediate results (requires extra temporary space)

TblLkUpdView -- updates a view based on changes to detail table(s)

RowLkUpdView -- updates a view based on changes to detail table(s)

OracleInsert -- flushes changes to Oracle

ZeroTblScan -- evaluates a predicate on a single set of values (no scan required)

ViewUniqueMatchScan -- uniquely identifies those view rows that need to be updated (requires extra temp space

TBLNAME TT_CHAR (31) Name of table scanned at this step.

Column is NULL if no table is scanned.

IXNAME TT_CHAR (31) Name of index used at this step.

T-tree index names may have a "(D)" after the name, which indicates a descending scan.

Column is NULL if no index is scanned.

PRED TT_VARCHAR (1024) Predicate applied during table or index scan or join. Column is NULL if no predicate applies.
OTHERPRED TT_VARCHAR (1024) Predicate applied after table or index scan or join. Column is NULL if no predicate applies.