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Oracle® Database Storage Administrator's Guide
Release 2 (11.2)
Part Number E10500-01
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List of Examples
4-1 Creating the DATA Disk Group
4-2 Creating the FRA Disk Group
4-3 Altering the DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT Setting
4-4 Creating a Disk Group of 4K Sector Size
4-5 Using the QUORUM Keyword
4-6 Querying V$ASM_DISK for Header Status
4-7 Setting Up Oracle ASM File Access Control
4-8 Using renamedg
6-1 Viewing Disk Group Attributes With V$ASM_ATTRIBUTE
6-2 Viewing the Compatibility of a Disk Group with V$ASM_DISKGROUP
6-3 Viewing Disks in Disk Groups with V$ASM_DISK
6-4 Viewing Disk Group Clients With V$ASM_CLIENT
6-5 Viewing Access Control Information in V$ASM_USER
6-6 Viewing Access Control Information With V$ASM_USERGROUP
6-7 Viewing Access Control Information With V$ASM_USERGROUP_MEMBER
6-8 Viewing Access Control Information With V$ASM_FILE
6-9 Viewing Intelligent Data Placement Information With V$ASM_FILE
6-10 Viewing Intelligent Data Placement Information With V$ASM_TEMPLATE
6-11 Viewing Snapshot Information in the V$ASM_ACFSSNAPSHOTS View
6-12 Viewing Volume Information With V$ASM_ACFSVOLUMES
6-13 Viewing Volume Information with V$ASM_FILESYSTEM
6-14 Viewing Volume Information With V$ASM_VOLUME
6-15 Viewing Volume Information With V$ASM_VOLUME_STAT
7-1 Creating a Tablespace Using an Alias Name
7-2 Using an Oracle ASM File Name in a SQL Statement
7-3 Adding an Alias Name for an Oracle ASM Filename
7-4 Example: Renaming an Alias Name for an Oracle ASM Filename
7-5 Dropping an Alias Name for an Oracle ASM Filename
7-6 Dropping an Alias Name for an Oracle ASM Filename
7-7 Dropping Files and Associated Aliases from a Disk Group
7-8 Dropping Files and Associated Aliases from a Disk Group
7-9 Creating a New Directory
7-10 Creating a New Subdirectory
7-11 Renaming a Directory
7-12 Dropping a Directory
7-13 Adding a Template to a Disk Group
7-14 Adding a Template to a Disk Group
7-15 Modifying a Disk Group Template
7-16 Dropping a Template from a Disk Group
7-17 Using a User-Defined Template to Specify Attributes
8-1 Migrating the Online Redo Logs
11-1 Using asmca -silent -configureASM
11-2 Using asmca -silent -upgradeASM
11-3 Using asmca -silent -configureParameter
11-4 Using asmca -silent -deleteASM
11-5 Using asmca -silent -createDiskGroup
11-6 Using asmca -silent -addDisk
11-7 Using asmca -silent -createVolume
11-8 Using asmca -silent -createACFS
12-1 Using Wildcards With ASMCMD
12-2 Running ASMCMD in Noninteractive Mode
12-3 Displaying ASMCMD Help Text
12-4 Using dsget
12-5 Using dsset
12-6 Using lsct
12-7 Using lsop
12-8 Using lspwusr
12-9 Using orapwusr
12-10 Using shutdown
12-11 Using spbackup
12-12 Using spcopy
12-13 Using spget
12-14 Using spmove
12-15 Using spset
12-16 Using startup
12-17 Using cd
12-18 Using cp
12-19 Using du
12-20 Using find
12-21 Using ls
12-22 Using lsof
12-23 Using mkalias
12-24 Using mkdir
12-25 Using pwd
12-26 Using rm
12-27 Using rmalias
12-28 Tags for the chdg XML Configuration Template
12-29 chdg sample XML configuration file
12-30 Using chdg
12-31 Using chkdg
12-32 Using dropdg
12-33 Using iostat
12-34 Using lsattr
12-35 Using lsdg
12-36 Using lsdsk
12-37 Using lsod
12-38 Using md_backup
12-39 Using md_restore
12-40 Tags for mkdg XML Configuration File
12-41 mkdg sample XML configuration file
12-42 Using mkdg
12-43 Using mount
12-44 Using offline
12-45 Using online
12-46 Using rebal
12-47 Using remap
12-48 Using setattr
12-49 Using umount
12-50 Using chtmpl
12-51 Using lstmpl
12-52 Using mktmpl
12-53 Using rmtmpl
12-54 Using chgrp
12-55 Using chmod
12-56 Using chown
12-57 Using groups
12-58 Using grpmod
12-59 Using lsgrp
12-60 Using lsusr
12-61 Using mkgrp
12-62 Using mkusr
12-63 Using passwd
12-64 Using rmgrp
12-65 Using rmusr
12-66 Using volcreate
12-67 Using voldelete
12-68 Using voldisable
12-69 Using volenable
12-70 Using volinfo
12-71 Using volresize
12-72 Using volset
12-73 Using volstat
13-1 Using fsck
13-2 Using mkfs
13-3 Using mount
13-4 Using umount
13-5 Using acfschkdsk
13-6 Using acfsdismount
13-7 Using acfsformat
13-8 Using acfsmountvol
13-9 Using acfsutil detach
13-10 Using advmutil dismount
13-11 Using advmutil list
13-12 Using advmutil mount
13-13 Using acfsdbg
13-14 Using acfsutil info
13-15 Using acfsutil registry
13-16 Using acfsutil rmfs
13-17 Using acfsutil size
13-18 Using acfsutil snap create
13-19 Using acfsutil snap delete
13-20 Using acfsutil tune
13-21 Using advmutil tune
13-22 Using advmutil volinfo
B-1 Loading Drivers
B-2 Mounting File Systems
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