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Oracle® Database Storage Administrator's Guide
Release 2 (11.2)
Part Number E10500-01
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3-1 One Operating System Group and One Set of Privileges for All Oracle ASM Users
3-2 Separated Operating System Groups and Privileges for Oracle ASM Users
4-1 Mirroring Options for Oracle ASM Disk Group Types
4-2 Examples of Disk Group Compatibility Attribute Settings
4-3 Features Enabled by Disk Group Compatibility Attribute Settings
4-4 Maximum Oracle ASM File Sizes for Disk Groups With AU_SIZE Equal to 1 MB
6-1 Oracle ASM Dynamic Views for Disk Group Information
6-2 Dynamic View for Oracle ACFS Information
7-1 File Types Supported by Automatic Storage Management
7-2 Valid Usage for Oracle ASM Filename Forms
7-3 Oracle File Types and Oracle ASM File Type Tags
7-4 Permitted Values for Oracle ASM Template Striping Attribute
7-5 Permitted Values for Oracle ASM Template Redundancy Attribute
7-6 Oracle ASM System Default Templates Attribute Settings
7-7 Permitted Values for Oracle ASM Template Primary and Mirror Region Attribute
11-1 Options for the asmca command-line tool
11-2 Options for the -configureASM command
11-3 Options for the -configureParameter command
11-4 Options for the -deleteASM command
11-5 Options for the -createDiskGroup command
11-6 Options for the -addDisk command
11-7 Options for the -createVolume command
11-8 Options for the -createACFS command
12-1 Types of ASMCMD Commands
12-2 ASMCMD Interactive Options
12-3 Summary of ASMCMD Instance Management Commands
12-4 Options for the dsget command
12-5 Options for the dsset command
12-6 Options for the lsct command
12-7 Options for the lspwusr Command
12-8 Options for the orapwusr Command
12-9 Options for the shutdown command
12-10 Options for the spbackup command
12-11 Options for the spcopy command
12-12 Options for the spmove command
12-13 Options for the spset command
12-14 Options for the startup command
12-15 Summary of ASMCMD File Management Commands
12-16 Options for the cd Command
12-17 Options for the cp Command
12-18 Options for the du command
12-19 Options for the find Command
12-20 Options for the ls command
12-21 Options for the lsof command
12-22 Options for the mkalias command
12-23 Options for the mkdir command
12-24 Options for the rm command
12-25 Options for the rmalias command
12-26 Summary of ASMCMD Disk Group Management Commands
12-27 Options for the chdg Command
12-28 Options for the chkdg Command
12-29 Options for the dropdg Command
12-30 Options for the iostat command
12-31 Attribute descriptions for iostat command output
12-32 Options for the lsattr command
12-33 Options for the lsdg command
12-34 Attribute descriptions for lsdg command output
12-35 Options for the lsdsk command
12-36 Options for the lsod command
12-37 Options for the md_backup Command
12-38 Options for the md_restore command
12-39 Options for the mkdg Command
12-40 Options for the mount Command
12-41 Options for the offline command
12-42 Options for the online command
12-43 Options for the rebal command
12-44 Options for the remap command
12-45 Options for the setattr command
12-46 Options for the umount Command
12-47 Summary of ASMCMD Template Management Commands
12-48 Options for the chtmpl Command
12-49 Options for the lstmpl command
12-50 Options for the mktmpl Command
12-51 Options for the rmtmpl Command
12-52 Summary of ASMCMD File Access Control Commands
12-53 Options for the chgrp Command
12-54 Options for the chmod Command
12-55 Options for the chown Command
12-56 Options for the groups Command
12-57 Options for the grpmod Command
12-58 Options for the lsgrp command
12-59 Options for the lsusr command
12-60 Options for the mkgrp Command
12-61 Options for the mkusr command
12-62 Options for the passwd command
12-63 Options for the rmgrp Command
12-64 Options for the rmusr command
12-65 Summary of ASMCMD Volume Management Commands
12-66 Options for the volcreate command
12-67 Options for the voldelete command
12-68 Options for the voldisable command
12-69 Options for the volenable command
12-70 Options for the volinfo command
12-71 Options for the volresize command
12-72 Options for the volset command
12-73 Options for the volstat command
13-1 Summary of ACFS Commands for Linux and UNIX
13-2 Options for the fsck command
13-3 Options for the mkfs command
13-4 Options for the mount command
13-5 Options for the umount command
13-6 Summary of ACFS File System Commands for Windows
13-7 Summary of Non-ACFS File System Commands for Windows
13-8 Options for the acfschkdsk command
13-9 Options for the acfsdismount command
13-10 Options for the acfsformat command
13-11 Options for the acfsmountvol command
13-12 Options for the advmutil dismount command
13-13 Options for the advmutil list command
13-14 Options for the advmutil mount command
13-15 Summary of ACFS Commands for All Environments
13-16 Options for the acfsdbg command
13-17 Subcommands for acfsdbg
13-18 Options for the acfsutil info command
13-19 Options for the acfsutil registry command
13-20 Options for the acfsutil rmfs command
13-21 Options for the acfsutil size command
13-22 Options for the acfsutil snap create command
13-23 Options for the acfsutil snap delete command
13-24 Options for the acfsutil tune command
13-25 Options for the advmutil tune command
13-26 Options for the advmutil volinfo command
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